Freymann (noble family)

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Coat of arms of the von Freymann

Freymann (from Freymann from the Nursie family) is the family name of a Baltic noble family in the former Livonia . The progenitor was Johann Neumann (1640–1682), who was raised to the nobility by the Swedish government in 1666 with the Swedish nobility predicate “von” and the name “Freymann”. Their headquarters was Nursie in Livonia, which is why they added the name “from the house (adH) Nursie”. The family members have further spread to Sweden , Finland , Russia and Germany . High-ranking members grew out of the Freymann tribeMilitary , politicians , lawyers and followers of the fine and intellectual arts .


The Baltic family tree is based on Johann Neumann, whose origin cannot be clearly proven, but who is said to have settled in Livonia from Germany . Johann N. was a major in the Swedish military service and was ennobled on August 20, 1666 as "von Freymann". The goods Nötkenshof and Schreibershof belonged to his possessions. He exercised the office of order judge at intervals and was a district judge in the Dörptschen district . His son, the Livonian district administrator Carl Otto von Freymann († 1729) was married to Catharina Elisabeth von Rothausen adH Nursie and through her inherited the Nursie estate. His three brothers were also high officers in the Swedish and Russian services. The noble family "Freymann Nursie and Schreibershof" was registered in 1742 by the Livonian knighthood in the Livonian nobility register (no. 74) and in 1745 and 1747 received the matriculation number 93 as "von Freymann adH Nursie".

Good nursie

Old Nursie mansion

The Alt-Nursie estate was a small village in 1627 and the Nursie mill and belongs to Rauge . In the middle of the 17th century it was divided as Rauge's court and in 1765 it was again divided into old and new nurses. Alt-Nursie was owned by the von Freymann family from 1723 to 1861. The manor itself was founded in 1688 and belonged to the von Freymann, von Herzberg and von Wahl families. The dismantled main building in the neo-renaissance style was built in the 1860s (it was preserved in a form that was slightly modified by the Soviet army in the 20th century). According to the historical division, the estate belonged to the Rõuge / Rauge parish, Võrumaa / Werro county; According to the current distribution, the estate belongs to the Rõuge municipality in Võrumaa.

coat of arms

According to the nobility diploma granted on August 20, 1666, the von Freymann adH Nursie have the following coat of arms: In the coat of arms two interlocked standards with blue flags, each with a crescent moon. Between the cross-wise arranged standards are two arrows pointing upwards one above the other . The helmet ornament represents a wreath with a blue upright arrow on the helmet bulge , which stands between two standards. The helmet covers are blue and silver.

Tribe list

Johann Neumann (1640–1682), 1666 Swedish nobility as von Freymann, progenitor of the noble family von Freymann adH Nursie, Swedish major, magistrate

  • Reinhold Johann von Freymann (1680–1736), major general
    • Carl Otto (II.) Von Freymann († 1769)
    • Johann Friedrich von Freymann († 1782), Colonel
    • Reinhold von Freymann, captain
  • Johann Friedrich von Freymann († 1799), Dutch major general
  • Carl Otto Freymann adH Nursie († 1729), gentleman on Schreibershof and Nursie, Swedish colonel, Livonian district administrator
    • Carl Johann von Freymann adH Nursie (1697–1757), Lord of Nursie, court assessor
      • Otto Friedrich von Freymann adH Nursie (1726–1761), Lord of Nursie
        • Gerhard Magnus von Freymann adH Nursie (line I.)
        • Otto Reinhold von Freymann adH Nursie (line II.)
      • Ludwig Eberhard von Freymann adH Nursie (1744-1810)
        • Christoph Ludwig von Freymann adH Nursie (line III.)

Line I.

Gerhard Magnus von Freymann adH Nursie (1759–1799), district court assessor

Line II.

Otto Reinhold von Freymann adH Nursie (1760–1820), parish judge

Line III.

Christoph Ludwig von Freymann adH Nursie (1773-1820)

  • Alexander Ludwig von Freymann adH Nursie (1818–1886), district court assessor, district judge
  • Arthur Leo Gustav von Freymann adH Nursie (1819–1885), Lord of Nursie, Livonian district administrator
    • Karl Arthur von Freymann adH Nursie (1855–1919), district judge in Dresden
      • Walter von Freymann (1899–1957), Lieutenant Colonel
        • Walter Hermann Rüdiger von Freymann (* 1932)
          • Johannes von Freymann (* 1957)
            • Justus von Freymann (* 1993)
        • Jürgen von Freymann (* 1939), officer, state politician
          • Axel Walter von Freymann (* 1968), Colonel i. G., Deputy Chairman CoV
            • Friedrich Phillip Alexander (* 1996), Richard (* 2000) and Leopold (* 2002)
          • Christoph Georg von Freymann (* 1971), Lieutenant Colonel
            • Maximilian Rochus York (* 2001), Julia Dorothea Elisabeth (* 2005), Cornelius Emil Carl (* 2009)
          • Phillip Andreas von Freymann (1976-2015)

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nötkenshof: After preserved at 10 October 1666 royal access passage Johann acquires v. Freymann this estate from Otto v. Gylten, but is not recognized as the legal owner until February 9, 1683. The estate later passed to his son Reinhold Johann v. Freymann. Family history of family v. Freymann adH Nursie [1]
  2. ^ Schreibershof: Johann v. Freymann acquires the estate with royal permission from Otto v. Gylten. Carl Otto v. Freymann, who inherited the estate from his father, passed it on to his brother Reinhold Johann v. Exit Freymann. He bequeathed it to his son Carl Otto v. Freymann, who sold it to Maria Elisabeth Schöppingk in 1767. Gotthard Wilhelm v. However, Freymann asserts his legal claims and acquires the property for himself. Family history of family v. Freymann adH Nursie [2]
  3. Baltic historical local dictionary: Estonia (including Northern Livland) , sources and studies on Baltic history, editors Hans Feldmann, Heinz von Zur Mühlen, Gertrud Westermann, Verlag Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar, 1985, ISBN 3412071838 [3] page 396
  4. Old Nursie in the parish of Rauge, Werro district. In: Estonian Manors [4] , accessed December 1, 2017
  5. Coat of arms of Freymann adH Nursie. In: Klingspor, Carl Arvid: Baltic Wappenbuch , Stockholm 1882, (34th panel) [5]
  6. ^ Cornelius Association eV - Christians in the Bundeswehr, Deputy Chairman Lieutenant Colonel i. G. Axel Walther von Freymann [6]