Reinhold Johann von Freymann

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Reinhold Johann von Freymann (* 1680 in Livonia ; † July 28, 1736 in Oppekaln , Livonia) was master of Nötkenshof and Schreibershof, a Swedish-Baltic nobleman and major general in the Imperial Russian Army .


Like his brothers Carl Otto († 1729) and Johann Friedrich († 1799), Reinhold Johann began his military service as an ensign in the Swedish troops in the United Netherlands as a result of the Great Northern War . From 1700 he served in Albedyllschen (later Field funeral Chen) Dragoon - Regiment and became the captain promoted and 1704 for Major . From 1708 he was commanded to Luxembourg and took part in the fighting at Jacobsstadt , Gemauerthof , Saladen , Lisna and Poltava . He was captured by Russia near Poltava and was released in 1722. On July 17, 1722, he was released from the Swedish service as a lieutenant colonel at his own request .

After some time he began his military service in the Imperial Russian Army and in 1735 was promoted to Prime Major in the Imperial Guard on Horseback , based in Saint Petersburg . In the same year he was dismissed from Russian military service with the rank of major general and in recognition of his services received the Laitzen crown estate in the Walk district as a gift for life from Tsarina Anna Ivanovna . Reinhold retired at Gut Nötkenshof and in 1727 bought his father's estate Schreibershof from his brother Carl Otto.

Origin and family

His father was Johann von Freymann († 1682), the Baltic progenitor of the von Freymann family . Reinhold Johann married Gerdrutha Baltzer († 1756), their descendants were: Gerdrutha von Freymann (* around 1685), Gustav von Freymann († 1736), Sophie Elisabeth von Freymann, Reinhold von Freymann, Johann Friedrich von Freymann († 1782 in Alt- Laitzen), Colonel , Carl Otto von Freymann († 1729), District Administrator and Gotthard Wilhelm von Freymann.

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Individual evidence

  1. Nötkenshof: After preserved at 10 October 1666 royal access passage Johann acquires v. Freymann this estate from Otto v. Gylten, but is not recognized as the legal owner until February 9, 1683. The estate later passed to his son Reinhold Johann v. Freymann. Family history of family v. Freymann adH Nursie [1]
  2. ^ Schreibershof: Johann v. Freymann acquires the estate with royal permission from Otto v. Gylten. Carl Otto v. Freymann, who inherited the estate from his father, passed it on to his brother Reinhold Johann v. Exit Freymann. He bequeathed it to his son Carl Otto v. Freymann, who sold it to Maria Elisabeth Schöppingk in 1767. Gotthard Wilhelm v. However, Freymann asserts his legal claims and acquires the property for himself. Family history of family v. Freymann adH Nursie [2]