Hermann Knipfer

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Hermann Knipfer (born August 9, 1934 in Augsburg ; † June 7, 2006 there ) was a German politician (initially CSU , later FBU ).

Knipfer attended elementary school, secondary school and vocational school, did an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer and successfully passed the journeyman's examination. In 1956 he joined the Deutsche Bundesbahn , where he worked as the main locomotive driver after passing his engine driver test. He was a member of the union of German locomotive drivers and from 1964 chairman of the district of Munich / Southern Bavaria as well as a member of the staff council at local and district level and of the main staff council in Frankfurt am Main .

Knipfer became a member of the CSU in 1964. He was a city councilor, district chairman of the CSU in Augsburg and a member of the state executive committee of the CSU. From 1970 to 1986 he was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament .

As a result of political quarrels, Knipfer resigned from the CSU in 1989 and founded the Augsburg Citizens Union (later Free Citizens Union , FBU). From 1990 to 2006 he was again a member of the city council, from 2002 one of the initiators of the so-called rainbow coalition in the Augsburg city hall ( SPD , Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen , FBU, ÖDP and at times free voters ).

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hermann Knipfer in the Augsburger Stadtlexikon