Hermann Schneider (writer)

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Hermann Schneider-Herold (1901–1973), writer, editor, Swiss Prize.  Broadcasting society for his radio plays, Johann-Peter-Hebel-Preis Family grave in the Hörnli cemetery, Riehen, Basel-Stadt
Family grave in the Hörnli cemetery , Riehen, Basel-Stadt

Hermann Schneider (born July 24, 1901 in Basel ; † January 30, 1973 there ) was a Swiss writer and editor .


Hermann Schneider, son of a Basel businessman, attended grammar school there from 1911 and began studying German, philosophy and art history at the University of Basel in 1920 . Since 1926 he worked as a freelance writer. As early as 1923 his "Totentanzspiel" Dr Bammert was performed with considerable public interest. Social problems, but also final questions in life, determined the plays of that time, such as the play E klei Wälttheater, which was staged in the Basel City Theater in 1933 . His literary breakthrough came with the award of several literary prizes since the late thirties. In 1940 Hermann Schneider succeeded Dominik Müller as editor ("editor") at the Schweizerischer Beobachter . The end of the Second World War moved him in 1945 to the play Das Friedensspiel, performed on Basel's Münsterplatz . A stay in Spain in 1947 led to the publication of Spanish novellas by Hermann Schneider the following year. A development novel under the title Jenseits der Eisblumen , which was started in the late 1950s and was supposed to show "the development over there, according to what JP Hebel called it", did not come to a complete conclusion, although the poet himself to the completion of which had largely withdrawn from the literary business.


Works (selection)

  • Dr shakes chord. 8 works by Hermann Schneider. Basel: Art Institut Grafica n.d. [1936]
  • Ueli, the eternal laugh. A Eulenspiegel comedy. Basel: Art Institut Grafica n.d. [1939]
  • When the city gets dark [Roman] Zurich: Book Guild 1942
  • Ships go to the sea. Novel. Zurich: Book Guild 1943
  • How I saw St. Jacob. [Novelle] Basel: Gute Schriften 1944
  • A peace game. Basel: Book Friends 1945
  • The fire in the thorn bush. [Roman] Zurich: Book Guild 1947
  • Ambrose at the Column and other Spanish short stories. Basel: Gute Schriften 1948
  • Melchior. Novel. Bern: Francke 1952
  • Beyond the ice flowers. In: Hermann Schneider u. a. Basel Texts No. 1. Basel: Pharos 1968
  • Cherries from the neighbor's garden or days around seventy. Basel: Pharos 1971
  • The golden city. Basel stories. Basel: Pharos 1971

Literature about Hermann Schneider

Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Bosch : The Johann Peter Hebel Prize 1936-188, Karlsruhe: Scheffelbund 1988, p. 238
  2. Manfred Bosch, op.cit., P. 241

Web links