Hermann von Walter

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Hermann von Walter
Participants of the Zarya expedition: Kolchak, Matissen, Kolomejzew, Toll, Walter, Bialynizki-Birulja, Seeberg ( from left to right )
Memorial stone for Hermann von Walter

Hans Hermann Eduard von Walter ( Russian Герман Эдуардович Вальтер ; * October 21 July / November 2,  1864 greg. In Ermes , Livonia Governorate ; † December 21, 1901 jul. / January 3,  1902 greg. On the Kotelny Island ) was a German-Baltic doctor and polar researcher.


Hermann von Walter was the eldest of nine children of the landlord of Ermes Castle Eduard von Walter and his wife Jenny, née Baroness von Kruedener . From 1884 to 1891 he studied at the University of Dorpat , where he received his doctorate in medicine. He then worked as an assistant at the city hospital in Riga . In 1895/96 he went on a study trip to Berlin and Vienna. After his return he settled in Dorpat as a general practitioner .

In 1899 he took part on board the Andrei Pervosvanny in an expedition to the Murman coast and to Novaya Zemlya , which was led by the Russian ichthyologist and hydrograph Nikolai Mikhailovich Knipovich .

He died during the second winter of the Russian Arctic expedition led by Eduard von Toll with the schooner Sarja , in which he participated as a ship's doctor and zoologist . His remains were reburied on July 29, 2011 in a solemn ceremony in the presence of government members of the Sakha Republic , the Estonian ambassador to Russia and relatives of Hermann von Walter.


Cape Walter on Kotelny Island, where his grave is located, is named after him, as is Walter Bay on the Taimyr Peninsula .

A memorial stone near Soontaga in the Estonian rural community of Puka also commemorates Hermann von Walter.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leonhard von Stryk : Contributions to the history of the manors of Livonia. The Latvian District (PDF; 7.92 MB). Dresden 1885, p. 441