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Homalothecium sericeum

Homalothecium sericeum

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Brachytheciaceae
Genre : Homalothecium
Scientific name

Homalothecium is a genus of deciduous moss in the Brachytheciaceae family . The species are common in the Holarctic .


The prostrate to ascending plants are medium to strong, green, yellowish or brown-green and often form larger lawns. The trunks have a central strand in cross-section, are irregularly to fairly regularly pinnately branched and, like the straight or curved branches, are usually densely leafed. The adjacent to upright leaves are lanceolate or narrowly triangular (widest just above the leaf base), pointed and strongly longitudinally folded. The leaf margins are entire to serrated, in some species in the area of ​​the leaf wing with teeth that are sharply curved backwards. The strong leaf vein extends at least to the middle of the leaf or even to the tip of the leaf. The lamina cells are linear, the cells of the leaf base short, small and thick-walled; the approximately rounded-square wing cells are more or less well delimited from the neighboring ones.

The species are diocesan . The straight seta is rough or smooth, the capsule upright to horizontal and ovate to short-cylindrical, the capsule lid conical to beaked.

Systematics and types (selection)

The genus Homalothecium is monophyletic and includes around 20 species worldwide. Species previously assigned to the genera Camptothecium or Trachybryum have been adopted in Homalothecium .

The following species are represented in Germany, Austria and Switzerland:


  • Wolfgang Frey , Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 , p. 231.
  • Martin Nebel, Georg Philippi (ed.): The mosses of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 2: Special part, (Bryophytina II, Schistostegales to Hypnobryales). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3530-2 , p. 360 ff.

Web links

Commons : Homalothecium  - collection of images, videos and audio files