Horacio Castellanos Moya

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Horacio Castellanos Moya (born November 21, 1957 in Tegucigalpa , Honduras ) is a Salvadoran journalist , writer and editor in Central America .


Horacio Castellanos Moya is the son of Crescencio "Chencho" Castellanos Rivas, writer and radio announcer from a politically left-wing Salvadoran family, and of Ruth Moya from a right-wing Honduran family.

He spent the first four years of his childhood in Honduras. In 1962 his family moved to El Salvador . In San Salvador he attended the Marist high school . In 1976 he began studying literature at the Universidad de El Salvador. At the same time he supported the guerrillas through journalistic work for the Fuerzas Populares de Liberación (FPL), which later became part of the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN).

In February 1979, Castellanos had to leave El Salvador in view of the growing repression by the army . He first went to Canada and studied history at York University in Toronto for a semester . Towards the end of 1979, Castellanos returned to El Salvador for a short time; due to political developments, he soon had to leave the country again. From March to July 1980 he studied at the Universidad Nacional in Tegucigalpa , after which he worked as a proofreader at the Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana (EDUCA) in San José , Costa Rica . In September 1981 he moved to Mexico City , where he lived until 1991. From 1982 he worked as an editor for the Salvadoran press agency Salpress , from 1984 as a correspondent for the magazine Cuadernos del tercer mundo . Disillusioned and disappointed by the ideological hardening of the FMLN and the violence against “deviants” in their own ranks, Castellanos distanced himself from the guerrillas and their struggle in December 1984.

From September 1986 to January 1987 Castellanos wrote his first novel in the village of Tlayacapan (near Cuernavaca): La diáspora . For this novel he received the Premio Nacional de Novela of the Universidad de El Salvador in 1988 .

From 1986 to 1988 he published the English-language magazine of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM): "Voices of México", from 1988 to 1990 he headed the political editing of the news agency Agencia Latinoamericana de Servicios Especiales de Información (Alesei) based in Mexico city.

In 1991, Castellanos spent four months in El Salvador to found the monthly magazine "Tendencias". In 1992, after the Chapultepec peace agreement between the government of El Salvador and the FMLN, which ended the civil war, he returned to San Salvador. He devoted himself to a. the project of the new weekly newspaper "Primera Plana" (1995–1996).

On the publication of the novel El asco. Thomas Bernhard en San Salvador in 1997, death threats followed. Castellanos left his homeland in a hurry. Another wandering life began. He stayed in Madrid and Switzerland for a few months and again in Mexico City in 2000 and 2001, where he was editor-in-chief of Milenio Semanal magazine . In 2003 he worked for El Periódico de Guatemala in Guatemala City . From 2004 to 2006 he lived as part of the “City of Refuge” program at the invitation of the Frankfurt Book Fair and the city of Frankfurt am Main.

Horacio Castellanos Moya's work is “in the USA or France in the same breath as that of Roberto Bolaños ”.

In 2014 Castellanos was awarded the Premio Iberoamericano de Narrativa Manuel Rojas .

Works (selection)

  • 1988 La diáspora
  • 1996 Baile con serpientes
  • 2000 La diabla en el espejo
  • 2001 El arma en el hombre
  • 2003 Donde no estén ustedes
  • 2004 Breves palabras impúdicas. Istmo
  • 2004 Insensatez
  • 2006 Desmoronamiento . Tusquets Editores, Barcelona
  • 2008 Tirana memoria
  • 2011 La sirvienta y el luchador
  • 2013 El sueño del retorno
    • The dream of return , German by Stefanie Gerhold, S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2010. ISBN 978-3-10-002285-1 .
  • 1981 ¿Qué signo es usted, niña Berta? (contains ¿Qué signo es usted, niña Berta ? , Simulacro , Como si lo hubieramos jodido todas , Los predicadores , Navidad , Equipo de trabajo , Noche de birrias , La Chelita , El coronel , Al recibir Luis por fin un juguete , La movilización , Los refugiados and Feria de artesanías )
  • 1989 Perfil de prófugo (contains Perfil de prófugo , Advertencia , En guinda , Informe , Encierro , El poeta y el comandante , Percance and Idéntica a Edwige Fenech )
  • 1993 El gran masturbador. Relatos (contains Variaciones sobre el asesinato de Francisco Olmedo , Torceduras , Nemesis , Paternidad and El gran masturbador )
  • 1995 Con la congoja de la pasada tormenta (contains Con la congoja de la pasada tormenta , Todo comenzó de esa manera , Key Largo , Truene , Solititos en todo el universo and Poema de amor )
  • 2000 El asco. Thomas Bernhard en San Salvador (contains Advertencia , El asco and Thomas Bernhard en San Salvador )


  • Albrecht Buschmann : Horacio Castellanos Moya and the art of survival . University of Potsdam, Institute for Romance Studies 2006.
  • Beatriz Cortez: Exilio y crítica social. A propósito de la novela "El asco" by Horacio Castellanos Moya . In: Ventana abierta. Revista latina de literatura, arte y cultura , Vol. 2 (1999), Issue 6, pp. 30-35, ISSN  1099-2987 .
  • Julian Drews: Distance, closeness, violence. Social interaction in the novels of Horacio Castellanos Moya . University of Potsdam, Institute for Romance Studies 2007.
  • Stephen Henighan : Horacio Castellanos-Moya Tirana Memoria . In: Times Literary Supplement, September 25, 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fiona Schmidt: Biographical Notes on Horacio Castellanos Moya on the website of the University of Potsdam, accessed on December 12, 2015 (English).
  2. Álvaro Mutis : Horacio Castellanos Moya - "Parado en el abismo" . In: El Mercurio , July 1, 2005, Supplement Revista de Libros , p. 10.
  3. Horacio Castellanos Moya in Frankfurt, the “City of Refuge” , accessed on December 12, 2015.
  4. Albert Buschmann: Erasmos complaints. “The dream of returning” - Horacio Castellanos Moya's novel about an exile whose homeland is threatened with disappearing . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 15, 2015, p. 43.