Horst Frehe

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Horst Frehe (born February 5, 1951 in Bremen ) is a German politician ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) and was a member of the Bremen citizenship . He was a State Councilor to the Senator for Social Affairs, Children, Youth and Women.


After graduating from secondary school in 1966, Frehe first completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk , which he completed in 1969. From 1969 he worked as a personnel administrator. Since an accident in 1966, Frehe has been dependent on a wheelchair. Until 1976 he studied business administration in Heidelberg at the University of Applied Sciences of the Rehabilitation Foundation and at the universities of Freiburg and Konstanz , economics , political science and sociology . After these studies he returned to Bremen, among other things to devote himself to the vocational rehabilitation of disabled people. In December 1978 he was arrested for helping civil rights activists to escape, sentenced to several years in prison, but released back to the West after three weeks. In Bremen he began to study teaching and education for the disabled, which he did not complete. After completing a further education course, he worked as a lecturer at universities and in further education. After working in a law firm, he began studying law at the University of Bremen , which he completed in 1988. He became a judge at the Social Court in Bremen in 1991 and remained so until 2007. Between 1976 and 2007, Frehe took on teaching positions at universities, technical colleges and in further education.


In 1978 Horst Frehe and Franz Christoph founded the first " cripple group " in Bremen, was involved in the cripple movement and was involved in the self-determined life movement. Between 1984 and 1987 he was a research assistant for the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group, but did not join the party until 1988. From October 13, 1987 to January 2, 1991 he was a member of the Bremen Parliament. As an opponent of a traffic light coalition, Frehe resigned from the green party in 1991. In 1997, under the influence of opposition politics, he rejoined. He was involved in the drafting of several laws of the red-green federal government under Gerhard Schröder . He was spokesman for the German Disability Council - DBR .

Since June 8, 2007 he was again a member of the Bremen citizenship. He was the disability policy, social policy and legal policy spokesman for his parliamentary group in the citizenry. He was in the

  • Committees for hospitals, for federal and European affairs, international contacts and development cooperation, for state youth welfare, for youth welfare, for law, for judges' elections and in the * electoral examination court as well as in the
  • Works committees KiTa Bremen and Werkstatt Bremen, represented and belonged to
  • Deputation for social affairs, youth, senior citizens and the integration of foreigners.

He was re-elected in the election for 18th citizenship. He resigned after he was appointed State Councilor to the Senator for Social Affairs, Children, Youth and Women Anja Stahmann (Greens) on June 30, 2011 .

Web links

  • Horst Frehe. on the website of the Bremen citizenship. Archived from the original on June 30, 2011 ; Retrieved June 30, 2011 .
  • Horst Frehe on the website of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group

Individual evidence

  1. “Petty bourgeois morality”. In: taz Bremen . August 12, 2011. Interview with Ulrich Mickan.