Hoya mindorensis

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Hoya mindorensis
Hoya mindorensis, inflorescence

Hoya mindorensis , inflorescence

Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya mindorensis
Scientific name
Hoya mindorensis

Hoya mindorensis is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) in the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae). It isnativeto the Philippines .


Hoya mindorensis is an epiphytic , climbing, perennial herbaceous plant . The sprout axes, which are not very branched, are bare and round in cross-section. The fleshy petiole is 2 to 2.5 cm long. The leathery, bare leaves are obscure-lanceolate or elliptical and pointed. According to Schlechter, they measure about 9 to 12 cm in length and 3.5 to 4.5 cm in width (11 × 6 cm or 9 × 5 cm).

The bald inflorescence stem is round in cross section and about 2 cm long. The umbellate inflorescence is spherical and contains up to 40 or 40 to 50 flowers. The flower stalk is about 1.5 cm long. The hermaphroditic, radially symmetrical , five-fold flower has a diameter of about 0.9 cm (Schlechter) to 1.5 cm. The five petals , which are heavily covered with long, white hairs ( trichomes ), vary in color from creamy white, rusty red to dark red and purple. The corolla lobes are turned back. The corolla is orange-red to dark red with a white center. The flat outstretched and bare corolla lobes are elongated-elliptical and apically pointed. The flowers do not smell or only very weakly. The anthesis lasts about a week; a lot of nectar is secreted before it blooms.


Hoya mindorensis occurs on the Philippine islands of Mindoro and Luzon as well as on Borneo .


The holotype specimen was found on the Philippine island of Mindoro by McGregor on the Baco River in April / May 1905. The first description of Hoya mindorensis was in 1906 by Rudolf Schlechter in the Philippine Journal of Science , 1 (Suppl.), P. 303. The specific epithet refers to the island of Mindoro.

The two subspecies of Hoya mindorensis , Hoya mindorensis subsp. superba Kloppenb. , from Luzon and Hoya mindorensis subsp. mendozae Kloppenb. & Ferreras have been reported by Rodda et al. (2014) reunited with the Hoya mindorensis .

According to R. Govaerts, however, three subspecies can be distinguished:

  • Hoya mindorensis subsp. lagyoensis Kloppenb. & G. Mend. : It only occurs in the Philippines.
  • Hoya mindorensis subsp. mindorensis : It occurs from the Philippines to Borneo.
  • Hoya mindorensis subsp. sarawakensis Kloppenb. : It only occurs in Sarawak.


  • Anders Wennström and Katarina Stenman: The Genus Hoya - Species and Cultivation. 144 p., Botanova, Umeå 2008, ISBN 978-91-633-0477-4
  • Rudolf Schlechter: New Philippine Asclepiadaceae , In: Philippine Journal of Science , 1 (Suppl.), Pp. 295–304 (first description of Hoya mindorensis, p. 303, online at archive.org )

Individual evidence

  1. Schlechter 1906: p. 96
  2. a b c d Wennström & Stenman (2008: p. 96)
  3. a b c d Hoya mindorensis Schlechter 1906 ( Memento from September 14, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) at simones-hoyas.de
  4. a b Michele Rodda, Nadhanielle Simonsson Juhonewe, Sri Rahayu: Taxonomic revision of the Hoya mindorensis complex (Apocynaceae: -Asclepiadoideae). Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography, 69 (1): 39-47, 2014 doi : 10.1080 / 00837792.2014.900261
  5. Hoya mindorensis at Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  6. a b c d Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Hoya - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Last accessed on November 16, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Hoya mindorensis  - album with pictures, videos and audio files