Hugo Cordignano

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Hugo Cordignano , also Ugo Cordignano (born May 20, 1882 in Moggio Udinese , Kingdom of Italy , † March 28, 1959 in Graz ), was an Italian - Austrian painter , sculptor , musician and composer .


Hugo Cordignano was the son of the architect and builder Max Cordignano . From 1898 to 1901 he studied sculpture at the Accademia di belle arti di Venezia and subsequently at the Accademia di San Luca .

Throughout his life he saw himself primarily as a musician. He mainly earned his living with the fine arts. After working as a musician and sculptor in Munich and Stuttgart and then as a sculptor in Vienna , he trained in painting with Hermann Groeber in Munich in 1912 . A year later he married and settled in Bad Aussee . From 1913 to 1914 he played first violin in Pietro Mascagni's opera orchestra in Udine before serving as a soldier in World War I from 1914 to 1918. After the war he worked as a freelance artist in Bad Aussee. In 1930 he built his studio house there according to his own plans, was a founding member of the local art community and then active on its board.

On a trip to Italy in 1936 he was arrested on suspicion of espionage ; Italy was now ruled by Benito Mussolini . In connection with this, his studio house and his paintings were confiscated and auctioned.

After the Second World War he took Austrian citizenship in 1946 . In 1951 he fell ill with polio . After a stroke in 1953, he was entirely in need of care. In 1955 there was a fire in his studio. From 1956 he lived in a nursing home. After his death, a large part of his estate was auctioned off to pay off debt.

Some of Cordignano's works are in museums and are still traded today.


  • 1919: Silver medal from the city of Graz for the painting "Washerwomen" (Neue Galerie Joanneum )
  • Name of the Hugo-Cordignano-Promenade , Bad Aussee


  • Georg Wacha, Dankmar Trier: Cordignano, Hugo . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 21, Saur, Munich a. a. 1998, ISBN 3-598-22761-2 , p. 186.
  • Heinz Haim-Dabatschek: Hugo Cordignano: the painter of the Ausseerland. Association of Friends of the Kammerhofmuseum (publisher), Ausseer Kammerhofmuseum 1992.