Human Zoo

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Original title Human Zoo
Country of production France
original language English , Serbian
Publishing year 2008
length 110 minutes
Director Rie Rasmussen
script Rie Rasmussen
production Luc Besson
music Chris Marshall ,
Illinois Illim
camera Thierry Arbogast
cut Rie Rasmussen

The drama Human Zoo is the only full-length directing work by Danish actress Rie Rasmussen to date . It premiered on February 5, 2009 at the Berlinale 2009 as the opening film in the “Panorama” section.

The film tells the story of Adria, a young woman, half Serb and half Albanian. During the Balkan crisis she manages to escape the war in Kosovo with the help of a Serbian deserter and to flee to France. In Marseille she tries to start a new life. The two time levels - the past in Kosovo and the present in Marseille - are interwoven through a complex series of flashbacks.


"Human Zoo is an anarchic gem, constantly changing emotions, never cheesy, never tearful, but filled with love, charm and a completely new view of Europe that is growing together."


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Beatrice Behn: Human Zoo., accessed on February 25, 2013 .