Humbert Dell'mour

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Humbert Dell'mour (also Humbert Dellmour ) (born October 11, 1881 in Vienna , † March 27, 1948 in Vienna) was an Austrian poet and linguist.


Humbert Dell'mour was the son of Anton Dell'mour (born September 19, 1817 in Vienna, † April 22, 1894 in Tulln ) (army officer) and Marie Dell'mour (August 19, 1852 in Tulln; † July 19, 1916 zu Wien) (née Altmann) born. He spent the school years from 1887 to 1895 in the elementary and community school in Tulln. From April 7, 1896 to April 7, 1899 he did an apprenticeship with a case maker and was then an assistant there.

From the winter of 1899/1900 he took an evening course at a business school. He then worked from October 5, 1900 to September 30, 1905 as a civil servant at an insurance company. In the school years 1901–1904 he was a student at the Freie Lyzeum, Vienna, 7., Neustiftgasse 97. In the first year he became acquainted with Franz Ippisch , Tonkünstler in Vienna. From 1904 to 1909 he was a student at the Academic Gymnasium in Vienna, 4th to 8th. Class. In fourth grade he kept himself up with the afternoon paperwork for the insurance company. In the fifth grade he got a scholarship ; He received this for nine years, until the end of his university visit. On July 9, 1909, he passed the Matura . He spent the years 1909–1914 at the University of Vienna , from 1911/12 he was Hofmeister zu Wolfsberg in Carinthia. On October 26, 1914, he passed the teaching examination for Latin and French (main subjects); two years later, additional examination in German (main subject). From November 15, 1914 he worked as a middle school teacher; from September 15, 1919 in Vienna. During the war he worked for Langenscheidt , changing his name to Dellmour. Awarded the title, "Heimat Dichter von Tulln".


  • Poetry volume: Stromeswellen, Poems of my Life, published in 1922, Verlag "Deutsches Vaterland", Vienna 1070
  • Rhyming dictionary on the Willehalm of Rudolf von Ems - Vienna, 1928
  • Language teaching: Old German language teaching for beginners, 1st part word theory, published in 1920, Verlag Franz Deuticke
  • Translations: Ovid in the Storm, Ainaeas. Free transmission of the first song of the Aineis, Vienna 1921
  • German names of the months : Hartung Hornung Lenzing Easter May Sonnwend Heuert Ernting Scheiding Gilbhart Nibelung Juling


  • Museum Tulln Minorite Monastery
  • Dell'mour, Humbert: Old German language teaching for beginners. Part 1: Word theory (discussed by V. Moser). In: ZfdPh 50 (1926), pp. 286--291.
  • Austrian National Library
  • City book of Tulln

Web links

Individual evidence
