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Hydrolagus mirabilis

Hydrolagus mirabilis

Class : Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)
Subclass : Holocephali
Superordinate : Holocephalimorpha
Order : Sea cats (Chimaeriformes)
Family : Short-nosed chimeras (Chimaeridae)
Genre : Hydrolagus
Scientific name
Gill , 1862

The genus Hydrolagus includes cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) from the order of the sea ​​cats (Chimaeriformes), which for the most part colonize the deep sea . The species live in different oceans and reach a body length of 50 to 80 cm.

The name Hydrolagus comes from the Greek (Yδωρ "water" and Λαγos "hare") and means "water hare".


In Hydrolagus the anal and diphycerke caudal fin are fused together to form a continuous fin edge, while in Chimaera , the second genus of the short-nosed sea cat family , they are separated.


Only Hydrolagus colliei also lives in shallower waters, Hydrolagus novaezealandiae lives on the continental slopes at a depth of 200 to 400 m, other species have adapted to greater depths. Most species live near the Benthal , i.e. near the ground, and are rarely pelagic .

Species list

Hydrolagus colliei in the biotope

Currently (February 2017) the genus has 26 species:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph S. Nelson : Fishes of the World . John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 0-471-25031-7 , page 47
  2. Hydrolagus colliei on Fishbase.org (English)
  3. Hydrolagus novaezealandiae on Fishbase.org (English)
  4. Hydrolagus on Fishbase.org (English)
  5. 81. Amendment to the notice on trade names for fishery and aquaculture products from July 8, 2016 ( BAnz AT 07/21/2016 B5 )

Web links

Commons : Hydrolagus  - collection of images, videos and audio files