Hypomyces completus

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Hypomyces completus
Hypomyces completus parasitizes the tubular fungus Suillus spraguei

Hypomyces completus parasitizes the tubular fungus Suillus spraguei

Class : Sordariomycetes
Subclass : Hypocreomycetidae
Order : Crust ball mushrooms (Hypocreales)
Family : Crustball relatives (Hypocreaceae)
Genre : Hypomyces
Type : Hypomyces completus
Scientific name
Hypomyces completus
(GRW Arnold) Rogerson & Samuels (1985)

Hypomyces completus (syn. Peckiella completa GRWArnold (1971), English ) is a parasitic hose fungus from the family of the crust ball fungus relatives . The fungus grows on boletus , typically Suillus spraguei in North America, although the type specimen was found on Boletinus oxydabilis in Siberia .


The color of its subiculum (a crust-like mycelium ) ranges from initially white to yellow-brown, greenish brown and brown to black, and that of the fruiting body (perithecium) from pale brown to dark brown to black. The spores measure 35-40 by 4-6 µm.


The species was first described by GRW Arnold in 1971 and classified in the genus Peckiella , which was separated from the genus Hypomyces by Pier Andrea Saccardo to summarize species with unicellular ascospores. In a 1989 revision, Rogerson and Samuels did not accept this genre as valid. They found that "there are variations in characteristics, occasionally in a single perithecium," and reclassified the species as a member of the genus Hypomyces .

The anamorphic of H. completus is Sepedonium brunneum , first described by Charles Horton Peck in 1887 .

Individual evidence

  1. GSD Species Synonymy: Hypomyces completus (GRW Arnold) Rogerson & Samuels . In: Species Fungorum . CAB International. Retrieved June 26, 2015.
  2. ^ A b C. T. Rogerson, GJ Samuels: Boleticolous species of Hypomyces . In: Mycologia . 81, No. 3, 1989, pp. 413-431. doi : 10.2307 / 3760079 .

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