Good templar

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Membership certificate from the Good Templars from 1868

The Guttempler are an international organization that advocates abstinence from alcohol and mind-altering drugs as well as solidarity and peace .

Its current name is officially IOGT International . Until 2006, the abbreviation stood for International Organization of Good Templars , which has not been advertised since the resolution of the World Congress in Basel, in order to facilitate access for associations in parts of the world that are not primarily Christian. The organization can be seen as part of the abstinence movement.

The Good Templars are active in over 60 countries. You are not politically bound, there are neither religious nor ideological barriers. The Guttempler are a prevention and self-help organization for alcohol problems and are also active in development cooperation.

Since the beginning, they have not only understood themselves as an abstinence association. According to their goals and their nature, the Good Templars see themselves as an educational, peace and cultural organization. IOGT was nominated nine times for the Nobel Peace Prize and mediated between the conflicting parties in various crisis areas, e.g. B. in Sri Lanka . The Guttempler want to go beyond their personal alcohol-free lifestyle and their addiction aid

  • perform preventive work ( prevention , alcohol policy measures),
  • support the development of a self-determined personality,
  • Promote understanding and helpfulness among people ( shared responsibility ),
  • work for a lasting peace among peoples.


The Flensburg Guttempler Logenhaus , which the order moved into at the beginning of the 20th century

The Good Templars were founded in Utica in the state of New York / USA in 1851 as an abstinence organization under the name "Order of Good Templars". Even then they were for the equality of the races and the sexes. In 1852 the OGT became the successor organization “Independent Order of Good Templars”.

From the United States, the order spread slowly via England ( Joseph Malin ) and Scandinavia to Germany (1873 in Hamburg). In 1889, the German Good Templar Order was founded in Flensburg (cf. Flensburg Good Templar Logenhaus ). The Guttempler are currently represented in eleven regional associations in Germany, which in turn maintain numerous local self-help groups .


The principles are abstinence , solidarity and peace - referred to in the youth organizations with the same meaning as " independence , friendship and peace":

  • Abstinence means freedom from personality altering drugs .
  • Solidarity means willingness to support and encourage others
  • Peace starts with everyone and means conflict resolution without violence.

Today the IOGT organizations are only called "Guttempler" in Germany. Most associations use the abbreviation "IOGT" as a name; the international youth associations mostly have their own names and appear without the term "IOGT", the children's group organizations as "IOGT Juniors" or - in Switzerland and Germany - under the name "KiM - children in the center". The European youth, children and scout associations within IOGT are united in the European youth association "ACTIVE - Sobriety, Friendship, Peace", which also has member organizations that do not belong to the IOGT movement.

The IOGT movement also includes three separate development aid organizations, namely Forut Norway, Forut Germany and the International Institute of IOGT-NTO Sweden. National associations also run development cooperation projects such as B. IOGT Switzerland in Guinea-Bissau.

IOGT International is a global community of non-governmental organizations (NGO) in which men and women of all ages - regardless of skin color, nationality, religion, social position or political conviction - come together. The goal of the IOGT, founded in 1851, is to free all people on earth from dependency and to enable them to lead a richer, freer and more rewarding life. All members are called upon to work for peace among nations.

IOGT regards alcohol and other drugs as a serious threat to the dignity and freedom of many peoples and their societies. IOGT develops comprehensive programs for prevention , consumption reduction, education and rehabilitation for addicts and those affected.

IOGT Switzerland

IOGT Switzerland, founded in 1892 with headquarters in Zurich , is the Swiss national association of IOGT International. Regional associations and local IOGT groups as well as individual members are affiliated with it.

Field of activity


IOGT Switzerland runs guided self-help groups and counseling services for alcoholics and their families in Zurich , St. Gallen , and Basel .


She is involved in various projects in the prevention of addiction problems . One focus is on children from families with addiction problems. Worth mentioning are the annual events for educators (kindergarten / daycare) on the topic of children from families with addiction problems, as well as the internet counseling , which offers children and young people anonymous, timeless and location-independent counseling.

Peace work / development cooperation

As part of the international peace work of IOGT International, IOGT Switzerland runs development cooperation projects with Guinea-Bissau in West Africa . She is involved in the establishment and operation of kindergartens and primary schools in Bissau , Bantanjan and Safim as well as in a carpenter's apprenticeship workshop in Bafatà .

IOGT Basel

IOGT Basel is the regional association IV of IOGT Switzerland. Four local IOGT groups and numerous individual members are affiliated with it. Its activities are limited to north-western Switzerland .

IOGT Basel offers guided self-help groups for alcoholics and their relatives, runs an alcohol-free leisure program and is involved in alcohol policy .

In Turkey there is the organization "Yeşilay" (Green Crescent), which is affiliated with the IOGT.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Guttempler  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Commons : International Organization of Good Templars  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Member organizations ACTIVE– Sobriety, Friendship, Peace ( Memento of the original from May 23, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. FORUT Norway
  3. FORUT Germany
  4. Forut Sweden ( Memento of the original from April 24, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /