Ibn Bashkuwāl

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Chalaf ibn ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Masʿūd ibn Mūsā ibn Baschkuwāl, Abū ʾl-Qāsim ( Arabic خلف بن عبد الملك بن مسعود بن موسى بن بشكوال, أبو القاسم, DMG Ḫalaf b. ʿAbd al-Malik b. Masʿūd b. Mūsā b. Baškuwāl, Abū ʾl-Qāsim , b. September 1101 in Cordoba ; died January 5, 1183 in Sarrión ) was an Andalusian traditionarian and biographer working in Cordoba and Seville .


His ancestors were of Spanish origin - he became known as Ibn Baschkuwāl, son of Pasqual - in the region of Valencia . His first teacher was his father (d. February 1139), to whom he dedicates a section in his biographical work. He studied with the most famous scholars of his time: Ibn al-ʿArabī al-Maʿāfirī and the lawyer Abū ʾl-Walīd ibn Ruschd (d. 1126), the grandfather of the philosopher Averroes . In his hometown he worked as an advisory lawyer (faqīh mušāwar) and for a short time as deputy Qādī in Seville under Ibn al-ʿArabī. He did not go on study trips to the Orient; his erudition is rooted in the Andalusian-Islamic tradition. His biographer Ibn Abbār († January 1260) names 41 scholars in Córdoba and Seville with whom he studied. In his library there were also writings by authors from the Islamic East; of which the K. as-Siyar from Abū Ishāq al-Fazārī has been preserved, on whose title page he is documented as the owner of the work.

He died in January 1183 and was buried in the then known scholarly cemetery of Ibn ʿAbbās in Córdoba.


According to the biographical data of his successors, Ibn Baschkuwāl is said to have written twenty-six books, treatises and monographs of biographical content, the titles of which are known, including a list of his teachers with an indication of the writings he studied with them. Only a few of his works have survived today:

  • His biographical work الصلة في تاريخ أئمة الأندلس / aṣ-ṣila fī taʾrīḫ aʾimmat al-Andalus  / 'The continuation of the scholarly history of al-Andalus' is the continuation of one of the most famous scholarly biographies of Islamic Spain by Ibn al-Faraḍī (d. 1013), in which he, alphabetically arranged, the Compiled biographies of 1,541 scholars from the 11th and 12th centuries in Andalusia. In a specially dedicated chapter (faṣl) he presents the vitae of the so-called "strangers" (al-ghurabā,) who came to al-Andalus from the Orient and North Africa and died there.
    • Ibn al-Abbār (born 1199; died 1260) from Valencia wrote the supplement ( Takmilat K. as-ṣila ) and closed some gaps in the basic work. In the first volume he wrote a detailed biography of Ibn Baškuwāl.
    • Ibn az-Zubair al-Gharnāṭī (born 1230 in Jaén (Dschayyān); died 1309 in Granada (Gharnāṭa)) under the title Ṣilat aṣ-ṣila (The continuation of the ṣila) or wrote a further addition and continuation of Ibn Baškuwāl's work : the story of the scholars of al-Andalus, in which he (the author) continued the Kitāb aṣ-ṣila of Ibn Baškuwāl . This work deals with the Andalusian scholars of the 12th and 13th centuries. The French orientalist Évariste Lévi-Provençal published a fragment of the work in 1937 (Rabat). Three further volumes with corrections and additions to the first edition were published in 1993 (Rabat).
  • His two-volume work is also of a biographical nature كتاب غوامض الأسماء المبهمة الواقعة في الأحاديث المسندة / Kitāb ġawāmiḍ al-asmāʾ al-mubhama al-wāqiʿa fī-ʾl-aḥādīṯ al-musnada  / 'Secrets of the indistinct names that appear in the hadiths with complete isnads'. This involves the compilation and explanation of personal names, designations of ancestry, which have been passed down contradicting or incorrectly in the literature.
  • Schuyūch ʿAbd Allāh ibn Wahb al-Quraschī  /شيوخ عبد الله بن وهب القرشي / Šuyūḫ ʿAbd Allāh ibn Wahb al-Qurašī  / 'the teachers of ʿAbd Allāh ibn Wahb al-Quraschī' is a compilation of the biographies of the teachers of the Egyptian scholar ʿAbdallāh ibn Wahb in alphabetical order, with extensive information on their importance as primary sources of Ibn Wahb . The book ends with a detailed account of Ibn Wahb's life.
  • In the traditional collection كتاب المستغيثين بالله / Kitāb al-mustaġīṯīn bi-ʾllāh  / 'The book (about) those seeking help from God' he compiles with complete isnad traditions, which have intercessions in need as their content. Ibn Baschkuwāl draws on thirteen works in this work, the title and author of which he specifies. At the beginning of this collection is the intercession of the Prophet Mohammed in the Battle of Badr as a model and is linked to the Koran verse:

“(Back then) when you called your Lord for help! Then he answered you (and promised): I will support you with a thousand angels ... "

- Sura 8 , verse 9 : Translation: Rudi Paret


  • The Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition. Brill. Suffer. Vol. 3, p. 733
  • Manuela Marín (ed.): Ibn Baškuwāl (m. 578/1183): Kitāb al-mustagīṯīn bi-llāh. (En busca del socorro divino). Fuentes Arábico-Hispanas. 8. Madrid 1991.
  • Carl Brockelmann : History of Arabic Literature . 2nd Edition. Brill, Leiden 1943. Vol. 1, p. 415
  • Fuat Sezgin: History of Arabic Literature . Vol. 1. Brill, Leiden 1967
  • Qāsim ʿAlī Saʿd: Muḥaddiṯ al-Andalus al-Ḥāfiẓ al-muʾarriḫ Abū ʾl-Qāsim b. Baškuwāl. Saḫṣiyyatu-hu wa-muʾallafātu-hu. ( The hadith scholar of al-Andalus. The historian Abū ʾl-Qāsim b. Baškuwāl. His personality and works ). In: Maǧallat Ǧāmiʿat Umm al-Qurā li-ʿulūm aš-šarīʿa wa-ʾl-luġa al-ʿarabiyya wa-ādābi-hā. Vol. 18, No. 28 (Mekka, 2003), pp. 222–288 (in Arabic)

Individual evidence

  1. On the meaning: Reinhart Dozy : Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. Brill. Leiden 1867. Vol. 1, p. 801; on the function: Christian Müller: Legal practice in the city-state of Córdoba. On the law of society in a Malikite-Islamic legal tradition of the 5th / 11th Century. Brill. Suffer. 1999. pp. 151-154
  2. a b The Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition. Brill, suffering. Vol. 3, p. 673
  3. Manuela Marín (1991), pp. 17-20
  4. Miklos Muranyi : The Kitāb al-Siyar by Abū Isḥāq al-Fazārī. The Qarawiyyin Library manuscript of Fās. In: Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam. 6: 67 (1985); Fig. II. And V.
  5. Torrés Balbás: Cementerios hispanomusulmanes . In al-Andalus 22 (1957), p. 165
  6. Manuela Marín (1991), pp. 23-25
  7. Heinrich Schützinger: The Kitāb al-Muʿǧam of Abū Bakr al-Ismāʿīlī . (Treatises for the customer of the Orient. Vol. XLIII, 3. Wiesbaden 1978), p. 25. No. 31
  8. ^ The Encyclopaedia of Islam . New Edition. Brill, suffering. Vol. 3, p. 762
  9. After counting the entries in the series Al-maktaba al-andalusiyya , 6. In two volumes. Cairo 1966
  10. ^ Edited by F. Codera. Madrid 1882–1883 ​​in two volumes. [1]
  11. ^ Edited by F. Codera. Madrid 1888–1889 in two volumes. The beginning of the work up to the letter Ǧīm was published in 1920 in Algiers
  12. ^ The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. Brill, suffering. Vol. 3, p. 976
  13. The statement in The Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. Brill, suffering. Vol. 3, p. 673, which mentions the continuation of the Takmila of Ibn al-Abbār, is wrong
  14. Edited by ʿAbd as-Salām al-Harrās and Saʿīd Aʿrāb. Publications by the Ministry of Waqf and Religious Affairs
  15. Published in Beirut 1987
  16. See: Fuat Sezgin (1967), p. 466. No. 4. The note “ibn private property of Ibr. al-Kattānī in Rabāṭ ”is to be deleted
  17. Edited by ʿĀmir Ḥasan Ṣabrī. Beirut 2007
  18. Edited and translated into Spanish by Manuela Marín (1991)
  19. Manuela Marín (1991), pp. 29-33