Ibrahim Gacaoglu

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Ibrahim Gacaoglu (* 1903 in the North Caucasus ; † 1989 in Munich ) was a veterinarian and imam in Munich.


In 1942 he joined the Wehrmacht .

He escaped the Lienz Cossack tragedy and was cooperative with the Central Intelligence Agency . From 1948 to 1956 he was an imam in Munich. Under his aegis, Germany's first Muslim grave field was created in 1955 in the Waldfriedhof (Munich) .

On May 28, 1961 Ibrahim Gacaoglu was chairman of the Islamist religious community for Western Europe and inaugurated a memorial in Irschen to commemorate 7,000 residents of the North Caucasus who were extradited to the Soviet Union .

In 1973 Ibrahim Gacaoglu was a member of the Islamic religious community. V. in Munich and looked after fellow believers in prison in the Munich penal institution and in the Straubing penal institution .


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ In principle, the right to use the graves in Munich can be extended as often as desired, but an analysis of the Turkish burials between 1989 and 1993 shows double or multiple occupancy in some cases. In view of the limited capacity of specifically Islamic burial grounds, the clergy of the Freimann Mosque (who were responsible for awarding them) and their relatives accepted the fact that multiple graves were actually not allowed . The burial among fellow believers, but with multiple occupancy, was preferred to an isolated burial with an uncertain orientation.
  2. Muhammad's teaching . In: Der Spiegel . No. 17 , 1973 ( online ).