Idhomene Kosturi

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Idhomen Kosturi (two weeks before the 1943 assassination attempt)

Idhomene Kosturi (born May 15, 1873 in Korça , then Ottoman Empire , † November 5, 1943 in Durrës ) was an Albanian politician who was briefly acting Prime Minister in 1921 .


Idhomene Kosturi was a son of the leader of the national movement Rilindja Jovan Kosturi and a brother of the also in the Rilindja active Spiro Kosturi . He graduated from Boston University with a degree in history and was involved in the Dituria (wisdom) society headed by Orhan Pojani . After a visit to Bucharest in 1902, he advocated an improvement in education at the Mësonjëtorja boys' school in Korça. He joined next Pandeli Evangjeli , Kristo Meksi , Vasil Zografi and Veli Këlcyrë the in November 1905 by Bajo Topulli in Monastir based Privy Committee to Free Albania (Komiteti i fshehtë për lirinë e Shqipërisë) to which the independence of Albania from the Ottoman Empire entered , and became vice president of that organization. Furthermore, after the Congress of Elbasan (Kongresi i Elbasanit) in September 1909, he campaigned for the establishment of the local normal school (Shkolla Normale e Elbasanit) , from which today's Elbasan University emerged . He was a leading representative of the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania and leader of a guerrilla group (Çeta) during the First World War .

After the war, Kosturi worked as a merchant and took part in the 1919 Congress of Durrës (Kongresi i Durrësit) and in 1920 the Congress of Lushnja (Kongresi i Lushnjës) , where he was appointed Minister of Post and Telegraphy of the Principality of Albania . During a constitutional crisis, he replaced Hasan Bej Prishtina, who had resigned, as Prime Minister on December 12, 1921 , and held this post until December 24, 1921, when Xhafer Ypi succeeded him. It was a "technical cabinet", with Kosturi waiving the appointment of new ministers. During the revolution of the June movement (Lëvizja e qershorit) he was one of the supporters of Fan Noli and served in his government between June 16 and December 23, 1924 as Vice Prime Minister. After the suppression of the revolution and the beginning of the increasing influence of Prime Minister Ahmet Zogu, he went into exile and joined the Revolutionary National Committee KONARE (Komiteti Nacional Revolucionar) founded by Noli on March 25, 1925 in Vienna .

In October 1943, Idhomene Kosturi returned to Albania and became a member and, as successor to Lef Nosi, President of the National Constituent Assembly (Asamblesë Kombëtare) . On November 5, 1943, he was shot in front of his house in Durrës, whereupon Mihal Zallari became the new President of Parliament.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Stavro Skendi: The Albanian National , S. 147, Princeton University Press, 2015
  2. Prishtina Cabinet (December 7 to December 24, 1921)
  3. Albania: Prime Ministers (
  4. ^ Robert Elsie: Historical Dictionary of Albania , p. 504, Scarecrow Press, 2010
  5. Bernhard Tönnes: Special case Albania: Enver Hoxha's “own way” and the historical origins of his ideology , p. 347, Oldenbourg, 1980
  6. Michael Schmidt-Neke: Development and expansion of the royal dictatorship in Albania, 1912-1939 , p. 95, R. Oldenbourg, 1987
  7. Michael Schmidt-Neke: The constitution of Albania: with an appendix, the constitution of the Republic of Kosova from 1990 , p. 29, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009
  8. Dorothea Kiefer: Investigations on Contemporary Studies in Southeast Europe , Volumes 15-16, p. 347, Oldenbourg, 2007
predecessor Office successor
Hasan Bej Prishtina Prime Minister of Albania in
Xhafer Ypi