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Idomeneus ( ancient Greek Ἰδομενεύς ; ????? i-do-me-ne-ja in linear script B ) is a king of Crete in Greek mythology and one of those Greek heroes before Troy who hid in the wooden horse . It is also he who gave the Cretans the reputation of being born liars.

For Homer he is the son of Deucalion , grandson of Minos and Pasiphae and therefore great-grandson of Zeus and Helios , as well as the father of Orsilochus . Because of his descent from Helios, he leads a rooster as a shield sign to Pausanias . In Pseudo-Apollodorus he is the brother of Krete and half-brother of Molos , as his wife Meda is called.

Since he had been one of Helena's suitors , he had vowed to defend her marriage and took part in the campaign with 80 ships. Before Troy he urged the Greeks to crack down on the Trojans. When he was caught in a storm on his return trip that destroyed 79 of his 80 ships, he vowed to sacrifice the first person he would see on his return to Poseidon . Now that was his own son Idamante . But at home even his family wanted to sacrifice themselves, and so much love soothed Poseidon and left everyone alive. In any case, Leukos - who in his absence had brought many Cretan cities under his control - had reason to drive him, the old king of Crete, away. According to other accounts, Idomeneus simply returned home to Crete and ruled his country until his death.

Idomeneus also appears in the novel Télémaque of Fenelon , in turn, the basis for the opera Idomeneo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart returned. There is also a play Idomeneus by Roland Schimmelpfennig .


Web links

Commons : Idomeneus  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. i-do-me-ne-yes. Linear B (260). Palaeolexicon, accessed February 4, 2015 .
  2. i-do-me-ne-yes. In: Minoan Linear A & Mycenaean Linear B. Accessed February 4, 2015 .
  3. Homer Iliad 13:307.
  4. Homer Odyssey 13, 260.
  5. Pausanias 5:25 , 5.
  6. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 3, 1.
  7. Pseudo-Apollodor Epitome 6, 9.