Ignatz loves

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Ignatz Lieben (born February 28, 1805 in Prague , † March 12, 1862 in Vienna ) was an Austrian merchant, wholesaler and influential banker. The Lieben Prize , known as the “Austrian Nobel Prize”, goes back to his will .


Grave of Ignatz Lieben in the Dobling cemetery

Ignatz Lieben was married to Elise Lewinger (born February 15, 1807 Vienna ; † June 24, 1867 in Weikersdorf , now part of Baden ), the daughter of Samuel Lewinger and Judit Wertheimer , both from banking and merchant families. The couple had the following children:

  • Rosa Lieben (1834-1851), died of paralysis in Ischl at the age of 17 .
  • Leopold von Lieben (1835–1915), President of the Vienna Stock Exchange Chamber, was raised to the nobility . He was married to Anna Todesco (see Anna von Lieben ) from the very wealthy family of the barons von Todesco . Her son Robert von Lieben (September 5, 1878 Vienna to February 20, 1913 Vienna) electrified the family palace of Todesco-Lieben in Vienna at the age of 11. He was involved in the development of the radio tube . He married the castle actress Anny Schindler from Weikersdorf, who died in London in 1948. He was only 34 years old.
  • Adolf Lieben (1836–1914), Dr. phil., chemist, university professor. A university career was initially closed to him in Austria. In 1867 he became professor in Prague and only later became head of the Second Chemical Institute at the University of Vienna. Married Mathilde Freiin Schey von Koromla. Their son Heinrich (1894–1945) was murdered in Buchenwald concentration camp .
  • Helene Lieben (1838-1894), married the industrialist, member of the Reichsrat and Landtag, Rudolf Auspitz (1837-1906). Because of a mental illness, Helene was later deported to a sanatorium in Prefargier , Canton Neuchâtel , Switzerland . The marriage was dissolved on March 28, 1890. Rudolf's mother was born Lewinger. Their daughter Josefine (1873–1943) was murdered on January 20, 1943 in the Theresienstadt concentration camp . Together with his brother-in-law Richard Lieben, Rudolf was a recognized economist and wrote a standard work on price theory.
  • Richard Lieben (1842–1919), banker, Vice President of Creditanstalt , married Josefine von Boschau. Together with his brother-in-law Rudolf Auspitz, he was a highly recognized economist and wrote a standard work on price theory .
  • Ida Lieben (1852–1894), married to the philosopher and former priest Franz Brentano . She died of inflammation of the kidneys after diphtheria .

Love price

In his will, Ignatz Lieben decreed that 10,000 guilders should be used every three years “for the common good”. From 1865 to 1937 the Lieben Prize, which is highly regarded as the “Austrian Nobel Prize”, was awarded. The foundation's assets have been increased several times by members of the Lieben family.

During the Nazi era , the Lieben family was also expelled and individual members of the family were murdered.

Thanks to the private sponsors Alfred Bader and his wife Isabel, the Ignatz Lieben Prize has been awarded to young researchers again since November 2004.


  • Evi Fuks, Gabriele Kohlbauer (ed.): Die Liebens, 150 years of history of a Viennese family . Vienna 2004

Web links

Commons : Ignatz Lieben  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files