In the realm of the giants

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German title In the realm of the giants
Original title Chased by Dinosaurs
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Publishing year 2002
length 29 minutes
Director Tim Haines ,
Jasper James
script Tim Haines,
Jasper James
production Jasper James
music Ben Bartlett
cut Andrew Wilks

In the empire of the giants (original title: Chased by Dinosaurs ) is a documentary of the English broadcaster BBC from the year 2002 . It is an animated film in which computer-animated elements were integrated into real landscape shots. This documentary is a special about Dinosaurs - In the Realm of Giants . In contrast to the previous documentary, here a person is confronted directly with the dinosaurs . Monster of the Deep follows a similar pattern .


In In the Empire of the Giants , the zoologist Nigel Marven undertakes a fictional journey back in time to prehistoric times. There he wants to find out, on the one hand, how the dinosaur with the long claw looked and lived and, on the other hand, he wants to experience the hunt of the largest carnivore on the largest herbivore of all time. Marven explains the scenery, and a speaker gives additional information.

The riddle of the giant claw

Marven travels to Mongolia in the Gobi Desert in the late Cretaceous period 75 million years ago . In his luggage he has a fossil from modern times, a huge Therizinosaurus claw . After explaining the story of the discovery to the audience, the tent is destroyed by a Saurolophus and Marven begins his expedition. Marven decides to look for the Therizinosaurus in a forest . On the way he has to cross a breeding ground of the Protoceratops . In the forest he watches a pack of velociraptors hunt . He spends the night in the forest. His night's sleep is disturbed by a group of Mononykus . Marven catches a specimen and shows the viewer how many properties of birds this dinosaur already has.

Since he did not find anything in the forest, he leaves this terrain and finds a Therizinosaurus nest . To his surprise, the nearby dung mounds were herbivores, although Marven assumed the animal was a theropod . He decides to go to the lake and is surprised by a tarbosaurus . He manages to hide and finally reaches the lake. There he finds the almost complete skeleton of a Therizinosaurus . The teeth confirm his knowledge that it is a herbivore. While he is reconstructing the skeleton, he is hunted by velociraptors , but he can drive the animals to flight.

Back at the lake he can watch a Therizinosaurus fight a Tarbosaurus and see that the animals are defending themselves with their claws. The Tarbosaurus is put to flight and a whole herd of therizinosaurs come to the lake and attack the trees. The claws were used for defense and to pull branches to their mouths.

The hour of the titans

This time Marven is doing his dinosaur expedition in Argentina 100 million years ago in the Middle Cretaceous . In contrast to the previous expedition, where Marven moved through the landscape, he operates here from a main base. His first detour is towards the river. On the way there, he stumbles upon the skeleton of an Argentinosaurus . At the river he watches a young Argentinosaurus cow drinking. Suddenly a gigantic Sarcosuchus breaks out of the water . The attack was unsuccessful and so the animal went back into the water. Fascinated by this prehistoric crocodile, Marven lures it back onto land for a closer look.

After this experience, he moves on through the landscape until he comes to the sea. There he feeds fish to Pteranodon . When he gets back to the base, he finds out that a dinosaur has destroyed them. Marven installs an early warning system. The next morning he goes looking for the big animals again. He discovers a wounded Macrogryphosaurus , a relative of the Iguanodon , at a spring. As he walks on, he sees the Giganotosaurus eating another Macrogryphosaurus . Marven then decides to comb the surrounding area with an ultralight aircraft. It flies between Pteranodon and accompanies an ornithocheirus a little on its way. Then he discovers a herd of Argentine dinosaurs . In the jeep he drives to the herd to weigh one of the animals. Then the Giganotosaurs appear and attack an Argentinosaurus . After Marven is followed briefly by a Giganotosaurus , he meets the sauropod herd at their breeding grounds for the last time. The episode ends when a Sarcosuchus surprisingly attacks Marven.


Since Dinosaurs - In the Empire of the Giants was very successful, a special came out in 2002 to address the latest and most spectacular dinosaur finds after the first broadcast of the original series at the end of the 90s. When filming, the landscapes were filmed first, without dinosaurs. These were then added later on the computer or by hand puppets.


“(…) This one differs from others, however, because the scientist Nigel Marven takes us on a kind of safari through a world long past. Using the latest computer technology, an expedition was created in which one could really think that Marven had traveled back in time to observe the dinosaurs. The primeval lizards that we see in the course of the documentation have been animated excellently and leave a lasting impression. "

- Oliver Anter

“(…) Conclusion: Nicely done production that lacks a bit of the last bite to completely convince. The BBC's documentary portfolio features some more elaborately produced dinosaur documentaries, but fans and budding dinosaur researchers shouldn't let that stop them. For 60 minutes, dinosaurs are brought to life in their natural environment and trudge over the TV at home, even Jurassic Park can no longer keep up. "

- Tino Hahn

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Reviews / criticism / film review to Dinosaurier - Im Reich der Gianten - the specials for the series. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on December 21, 2013 ; Retrieved April 5, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Reviews / criticism / film review to Dinosaurier - Im Reich der Gianten - the specials for the series. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on December 21, 2013 ; Retrieved April 5, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /