Inna Vladimirovna Makarova

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Inna Makarowa in the film The Young Guard (1948)

Inna Wladimirowna Makarowa ( Russian И́нна Влади́мировна Мака́рова , born July 28, 1926 in Taiga , Russian SFSR , Soviet Union ; † March 25, 2020 in Moscow , Russian Federation ) was a Soviet and Russian actress .


Training and beginnings

Inna Makarowa grew up in Novosibirsk , where her parents worked for the local radio. From 1943 to 1948 she studied at the Moscow Film School (WGIK) with Sergei Gerasimow and Tamara Makarowa (1907-1997).

During her studies she played the title role of Carmen in Tatjana Liosnowa 's play of the same name . The writer Alexander Fadejew saw Makarova in this role and thought she was the right actress for the young Lyubow Schewzowa for the novel The Young Guard (1948, OT: Molodaja gwardija ), which Sergei Gerasimow staged as the final thesis of the training year. Makarova was awarded the Stalin Prize 1st class for her portrayal together with the director, the cameraman and the other ensemble of actors .

In 1948 she was accepted into the ensemble of the State Theater for Film Actors (Original: Центр театра и кино под руководством Никиты Михалкова ) in Moscow. The actress Alla Tarasova (1898–1973) wanted to engage Makarova at the Moscow Art Theater. Gerasimov contradicted this obligation, however, since he had provided Makarova for a career as a film actress.


After graduation, Makarova continued to work in several important Soviet films, often portraying "heroines of passionate optimism", including a. as Nonna, the wife of a truck driver, in The Rumyantsev case (1956, director: Iossif Cheifik ), as welder Katja in Die Höhe (1957, director: Alexander Sarchi ) and as Nadja in the comedy Is she worth a bet? (1961/62, director: Yuri Tschuljukin ).

She had a “great” and “significant” success in 1965 as Dussja in the film drama Women , directed by Pavel Lyubimov , for which she received the Soviet Film Critics' Acting Award. Makarowa "created some of the most beautiful portraits of women in Soviet films in the 1960s and 1970s," especially the former factory worker Inna Kowaljowa, who rose to become brigade leader, in the drama It's Not Evening Yet ... (1974) by Nikolai Rosantsev and the Russian provincial actress Larissa Dobrynina in the drama Unrequited Love (1979/80) by Andrei Maljukow . In many roles she also showed her "talent for comedic situations".

In 1986 she played Lermontov's grandmother in Lermontow , a biographical film about the Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov . After a long film break, she returned to the camera in the mid-2000s and starred in TV series and films. She had her last film role in 2015 in the fairy tale film The Snow Queen directed by her daughter.

Makarowa has received several awards for her acting. In 1949 she received the State Prize of the USSR (then: Stalin Prize). In 1967 she became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR , later (1985) also a People's Artist of the USSR .


Makarova was married to the actor and director Sergei Bondarchuk , whom she had met during her studies when he joined her class after the end of World War II . After their marriage, they both lived in a tiny basement on Moscow's Sadovo Triumfalnaya Street until they were able to move into a new apartment thanks to the award of the Stalin Prize.

The couple separated during the shooting of the film That there you exist ... (1958), but Bondarchuk, who had cheated on Makarova with the then young actress Irina Skobzewa (* 1927), initially refused to divorce. The actress and director Natalja Bondarchuk (* 1950) is their daughter.

After her divorce, Makorova lived alone for over 10 years until she married the Russian surgeon and scientist Michail Perelman (1924-2013), with whom she lived for over 40 years.

At the end of 2016 it became known that Makarova was increasingly suffering from senile dementia . In early March 2020, Makarova, who had lived with asthma for many years , was admitted to a Moscow hospital. Inna Makarowa, whose cause of death was not given by the family, died in Moscow at the age of 94.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1948: The Young Guard (Molodaja gwardija)
  • 1952: From a doctor's diary (Selski wratsch)
  • 1953: Three people (Voswrtschschenije Wassilija Bortnikowa)
  • 1956: The Rumyantsev case (Delo Rumjanzewa)
  • 1957: The Height (Vysota)
  • 1958: That you exist ... (Dorogoi moi tschelowek)
  • 1961: is it worth a wager? (Dewchata)
  • 1966: Women (Schenschtschiny)
  • 1975: It's not evening yet ... (Jeschtscho ne wetscher)
  • 1979: Unrequited love (Besotvetnaja ljubow)
  • 1986: Lermontow (Lermontow)
  • 2015: The Snow Queen (Taina Sneschnoi Korolewy)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f In Moscow on 94-m to year of life died actress Inna Makarova - Nadia from “Girls” . Death report and obituary. of March 25, 2020. Retrieved March 28, 2020
  2. ^ In Joachim Reichow / Michael Hanisch : Filmschauspieler A – Z (see literature) 1928 is given as the year of birth.
  3. a b c d Умерла Инна Макарова . Death report. Retrieved March 28, 2020
  4. It is not yet evening ... . Entry at Retrieved March 28, 2020