International Organization of Employers

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The International Organization of Employers (IOS) was founded in 1920 . It is an international employers' association and represents the interests of private companies in shaping labor and social policy. The non-governmental organization is based in Geneva . In spring 2013 it had 150 national employer organizations from 143 countries as members. The German member of the organization is the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), the Austrian member the Federation of Industrialists (IV) and the Union Patronale Suisse (UPS) from Switzerland .


The organization was founded in March 1920 under the name International Organization of Industrial Employers (IOIE) in London . The first general assembly took place in Brussels in October 1920 . The first members of the association were, along with some local organizations, the national employers' associations from Belgium, France, the United Kingdom ( Federation of British Industries ), Italy ( Confindustria ), Spain and Latin America. New Zealander Brent Wilton has been Secretary General of the Association since 2012; he succeeded Antonio Peñalosa, who had headed the organization for 13 years.

Activities and members

One of the purposes is to create favorable framework conditions for success-oriented and social entrepreneurship in stable markets. To this end, political decision-makers should be influenced and the public should be informed about the arguments put forward by employers.

The IOE serves as the secretariat of the Employers' Commission of the International Labor Organization (ILO) of the United Nations and takes part in the International Labor Conference as one of the three bargaining parties . The association is also involved in international conferences such as the G20 meetings ; he often cooperates with the Business and Industry Advisory Committee of the OECD . The IOS also works with other multinational organizations, such as the World Health Organization , the United Nations Environment Program , the International Organization for Migration and the World Bank .

In addition to the above-mentioned associations from the DA-CH region, there are other significant members of the IOS:

  • Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA), Argentina
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI), Australia
  • Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique (FEB), Belgium
  • Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CIS), Brazil
  • China Enterprise Confederation (CEC), China
  • Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF), France
  • Japan Business Federation (NIPPON - KEIDANREN), Japan
  • Canadian Employers' Council, Canada
  • Korea Employers' Federation (KEF), South Korea
  • VNO-NCW, Netherlands
  • Pracodawcy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej , Poland
  • Associação Industrial Portuguesa (AIP), Portugal
  • Svenskt näringsliv , Sweden
  • Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE), Spain
  • Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), South Africa
  • Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK), Turkey
  • Confederation of British Industry (CBI), United Kingdom
  • United States Council for International Business (USCIB), USA

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jean-Jacques Oechslin, The International Organization of Employers. Three-quarters of a Century in the Service of the Enterprise (1920-1998) , 2001, pp. 26-34
  2. Press release, New IOE Secretary General, May 29, 2012 (accessed April 26, 2013)