Iossif Pavlovich Utkin

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Iossif Pawlowitsch Utkin ( Russian Иосиф Павлович Уткин ; * 14 May July / 27 May  1903 greg. In the Chingan station , today the Hinggan Ling station (兴安岭 站) of the Unur ((镇) community in Yakeshi , Inner Mongolia , People's Republic of China ; † November 13, 1944 ) was a Russian-Soviet poet and journalist.

Iossif Utkin came from a Jewish family. He was born at Chingan Station of the China Eastern Railway , which his parents helped build; the route belonged to the Russian Empire , but ran on the territory of the Chinese Empire . After the birth of the son, the family returned to their hometown of Irkutsk . Utkin was expelled from school at the end of his school days for bad behavior and " free spirit ". He then worked, among other things, in a leather factory, as a newspaper dealer and delivered telegrams . From 1920 Utkin fought voluntarily in the Russian Civil War in the Red Army on the Far Eastern front.

In 1922 Utkin wrote for the newspaper Macht der Arbeit ( Власть труда ) and from 1924 studied journalism in Moscow. During this time, Utkin published poems that were printed in newspapers. The theme in Utkin's early creative period was often war. His first important publication was the story of the red-haired motel ( Повесть о рыжем Мотэле ) in 1925, which dealt with the changes in the life of the Jewish population after the October Revolution . He subsequently wrote several volumes of poetry. From 1925 Utkin worked for Komsomolskaya Pravda .

In the German-Soviet war Utkin fought for the Red Army and was wounded in Bryansk . After a stay in a hospital in Tashkent , he returned to the front, where he was injured again and lost four fingers of his right hand. During the war, Utkin wrote mainly war marches, some of which were sung by the soldiers at the front. Utkin died on November 13, 1944 on his return from the front in a plane crash.

Works (selection)

  • Powest o ryschem Motele, gospodine inspektore, rawwine Issaje i komissare Bloch ( Повесть о рыжем Мотеле, господине инспекторе, раввине, 19 ) Иссаеме Болсконе, 19 )
  • Perwaja kniga stichow ( Первая книга стихов , 1927)
  • Ismoros ( Изморозь , 1927)
  • Ogonek ( Огонек , 1927)
  • Stichi o woine ( Стихи о войне , 1930)
  • Larika ( Стихи о войне , 1939)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Article Iossif Pawlowitsch Utkin in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D114826~2a%3D~2b%3DIossif%20Pawlowitsch%20Utkin
  2. Article in the Great Biographical Encyclopedia.Retrieved November 19, 2010.
  3. a b c d Article on Retrieved on November 19, 2010.