Ipomoea sepacuitensis

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Ipomoea sepacuitensis
Ipomoea sepacuitensis in Belize.jpg

Ipomoea sepacuitensis

Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Bindweed family (Convolvulaceae)
Genre : Morning glories ( ipomoea )
Type : Ipomoea sepacuitensis
Scientific name
Ipomoea sepacuitensis

Ipomoea sepacuitensis is a plant type from the genus of Morningglory ( Ipomoea ) from the family of wind plants (Convolvulaceae). The species is common in Central America .


Ipomoea sepacuitensis is a twisting, herbaceous plant , but its stems can also become woody like a semi- shrub. The stems are coarsely hairy, but bald with age. The hairless leaf blades are 10 to 17 cm long, about the same width and divided into three lobes to the middle or less; from near the base they are traversed with seven to nine leaf veins. The base is heart-shaped. The petioles are hairless or sparsely hairy and about 10 cm long.

The coarse inflorescence stalks can be hairy and are about 15 cm long. The inflorescences are sparse cymes . The sepals are fleshy, hairless and of very different sizes. The outer sepals are broadly ovate, obtuse and about 10 to 20 mm long, the inner ones are similarly shaped, but 15 to 35 mm long. The crown is bell-shaped, 5 cm or more long, colored white, inside it is pink.

The fruits are leathery, hairless capsules that are up to 25 mm long, or possibly even larger when ripe.


The species is only known from a few collections from Guatemala and British Honduras . It is likely to be found there in thickets and on the edge of clearings.


  • Paul C. Standley, Louis O. Williams: Convolvulaceae . In: Paul C. Standley, Louis O. Williams, and Dorothy N. Gibsons (Eds.): Flora of Guatemala , Fieldiana: Botany, Part IX, Nos. 1-4, 1970-1973.

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Commons : Ipomoea sepacuitensis  - collection of images, videos and audio files