Irene di Spilimbergo

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Irene di Spilimbergo

Irene di Spilimbergo (born 1540 near Udine ; died December 15, 1559 in Venice ) was an Italian painter .


Irene spent her youth in the Spilimbergo (Spengenberg) castle in Friuli under the supervision of her maternal grandfather, who recognized her artistic talent early on. Signora Irene was gifted as a player of the lute , harpsichord and viola , as well as a singer. She valued contemporary ( Petrarch , Castiglione ) as well as ancient literature ( Plutarch ). Following the example of the famous Sofonisba Anguissola , she came to painting and copied several paintings by Titian , who agreed to teach Irene.

Irene is said to have been a student of Titian for two years, copying his style perfectly and painting several portraits and studies. She died early at the age of 19.

Post fame

Her life is passed down from the obituaries of other artists, including, in addition to Tizian, Lodovico Dolce , Torquato Tasso , Benedetto Varchi and Girolamo Muzio . As early as 1561, Dionisio Atanagi dedicated a commemorative book with over 300 obituaries by various authors, usually poems, which extolled her beauty and grace, virtue, erudition, and artistry.

Individual evidence

  1. Antonius Lux (ed.): Famous women of world history. A thousand biographies in words and pictures. Sebastian Lux, Murnau et al. 1963, p. 444.
  2. Short biography in ( Memento from March 11, 2007 in the Internet Archive )

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