Isabella Mamatis

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Isabella Mamatis (born November 28, 1955 in Berlin ) is a German actress , director , author , producer for theater and radio plays.


She is the daughter of the Greek cinematography businessman Dimitri Mamatis and the singer Manuela Mamatis, b. Gerster (daughter of Ottmar Gerster , composer, after 1945 director of the Weimar Academy of Art, composition professor in Leipzig). In 1957, after her father's death, she moved to Braunfels / Lahn (Northern Hesse) and in 1967 to the GDR as a stateless person to live with her mother in East Berlin. In 1974 Isabella Mamatis moved back to West Berlin, where she applied for and got German citizenship. From 1978 to 1982 she studied acting at the Hochschule der Künste-Berlin West and was then one of the founders of the “ Theater zum western Stadthirschen ”. In the 1980s she worked with Peter Stein , Henning Rühle, George Tabori , Heinrich Gieskes, Elke Petri, Ive Jansen. As a lyric singer she played bass in the band ComboNoa . In 1993 and 1996 their children Paul Mamatis and Clara Tucholski were born.

Artistic creation

Art awards

  • 1982 Karl Hofer Prize from the University of the Arts, Berlin - West for the final project "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - wrong" with the 'Theater zum Westlichen Stadthirschen'
  • 1995 German literature / theater prize, together with the set designer Marc Deggeler for the best production "Apocalypse of Our Days" a theatrical score on everyday life in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp .

Formations and productions

  • In 1990 she founded the “Isabella Mamatis Theater Production” with a focus on an idiosyncratic staging style that she calls “Theatrical Score”. Under this heading, she developed seven productions up to 2001: Das Erbe , Memento Mori , Schillerlocken - When Schiller's Wives beckon , Gladiators , Death, Love, Transfiguration , Apocalypse of our days , The birds according to Aristophanes . For her theatrical compositions, Mamatis makes use of cinematic elements, stylized body language and language, choreography and sound, which combine to form a narrative that is not linear, but rather in associative images (dramaturgical collaboration with Lutz Gümbel)
  • In 1996, together with the sound artist Peter Tucholski, she brought the Hör-Theater into being as a walk-in installation that merges light projections, sound, language and audience into one unit. In the same year the Berliner Festspielproduktion and Deutschlandradio followed - the title “Die Jäger am Tisch” . With the work on "The Hunters at the Table", Mamatis began to remove the separation between the audience and the artwork. She takes up this approach again in the performance concept of the Long Table, as an interactive staging in public space.
  • From 1996 to 2000 Mamatis realized two series of radio plays: “The Adventures of Odysseus”, Homeric text converted into contemporary language, and “From the Beginning of the World” , nine creation myths of different religions. Both productions were produced for Swiss radio (collaboration with Lutz Gümbel and Peter Tucholski).
  • In 2003 she founded the “Stage for Business and Culture” as a communication platform for presentations and intercultural skills. She worked with the Siemens turbine plant from 2004 to 2006 to develop interactive skills for presentations.
  • Isabella Mamatis is the founder of the * Lange Tafel, which she presented for the first time in the format of a three-act act in 2006, as an interactive staging for neighborly communication in the Bergmannkiez in Berlin, and has since brought it into the world from there under changing topics.

She founded the Lange Tafel in 14 districts of Berlin, e.g. Reuterkiez, Leopoldplatz, Märkische Viertel, then went via Hamburg and Düsseldorf to Los Angeles in 2016/17 at California State University , and after India-Puna in 2017 at Orchid School , 2018 to Bobo Dioulasdo-Burkina Faso. The theatrical citizen staging for art and communication in public space enables interactive learning in the dialogue of the generations and achieves an integrative effect in which everyone who sits at the 200 m long table meets at eye level while eating spaghetti together. The dialogue animation between artist and citizen motivates the exchange between cultures and religions. This was followed by more "Long Tables" that go around the world as a work of art for peace, plus 2020 Mongolia and Thailand.

  • In 2010 Mamatis founded "" as a virtual memorial for the development of a new narrative tradition about living migration experiences . Under the title “The Adventurers of Homo Migrantes Part 1, 2, 3, etc.” , the collective knowledge about migration is to be culturally processed to enable catharsis and reflection. "Planet der Herzen" followed in 2012, the 1st production with handicapped and non-handicapped people in which 6 cross-generational migration heroes tell their adventurers. The world premiere took place in Babylon on Luxemburplatz.

In her work, Isabella Mamatis is influenced by the art movements Fluxus and Invisible Theater as well as the fine arts of Expressionism , experimental music ( sound collages ) and chance as a method of composition. She has artistic affinities with Peter Brook , Robert Wilson , Pina Bausch , Wassily Kandinsky , Else Lasker-Schüler , John Cage , Augusto Boal and Amon Tobin .

Leading roles - Theater (selection)

Film rolls (selection)

  • The wild Party, 2nd female leading role together with Tilda Swinton , directed by Syntia Beat, Berlinale 1992

Cooperation partner

Since 1989 Mamatis has worked with numerous organizers, institutions and media. Among them were u. a.

  • Academy of Arts Berlin, Berliner Festwochen, Deutschlandradio - Berlin DRS Zurich,
  • Ensemble Theater Vienna, Goethe Institute Amsterdam, Hebbel Theater Berlin,
  • Kai Theater Brussels, De Bali Theater Amsterdam, Literaturhaus Berlin,
  • Radio Brandenburg, Senate for Science, Research and Culture - Berlin,
  • Sender Free Berlin, RBB, Shaffy Theater Amsterdam, Schauspiel Frankfurt,
  • TAT, Stadttheater St. Gallen, Stadttheater Augsburg, Stadttheater Heidelberg,
  • City Theater Freiburg, City Theater Nuremberg, Theaterspektakel Zurich,
  • Peeneaale, 48h Neukölln, Deutsches Theater, Berlin - the capital city campaign.

Web links