Isarnus of Fontiano

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Isarnus von Fontiano (also Isarno von Fontiano ; † September 18, 1310 in Avignon ) was Archbishop of Riga from 1300 to 1302 , Archbishop of Lund from 1302 to 1310 and Archbishop of Salerno in 1310 .


Isarnus came from a family of knights from Fontiès near Carcassonne in Languedoc . He was canon and archipelago of Carcassonne and prior of the Augustinian canons of Bonavent in the diocese of Limoges . As chaplain of Pope Boniface VIII , he was sent to Denmark as a nuncio . There he should resolve the disputes between the Archbishop of Lund, Jens Grand , and the Danish King, Erich VI. Menved , finish.

After the death of Riga's Archbishop Johannes von Schwerin in 1300, Pope Boniface VIII appointed Isarnus von Fontiano as his successor. The direct appointment, bypassing the cathedral chapter, was made possible by the fact that Johannes von Schwerin died at the Curia in Rome, where he had gone because of the civil war-like situation in Livonia .

Isarnus von Fontiano arrived at his new bishopric in Riga in the spring of 1302. Although he is said to have tried to pacify the situation in Livonia, little is known about his work, as he soon left his archbishopric. Because of the ongoing disputes in Denmark, the Pope decreed that the Lunder Bishop Jens Grand and Isarnus von Fontiano should exchange their archbishopric. Although Jens Grand rejected the less endowed Riga, Isarnus went to Lund , where he worked until 1310. Possibly for health reasons, he was transferred to Salerno on June 12, 1310 by Pope Clement V. It is not known whether he got there; three months later he died in Avignon . His burial place is not known.


  • Bernhart Jähnig: Isarnus von Fontiano (CanA) († 1310). In: Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1198–1448. ISBN 3-428-10303-3 , p. 650.
predecessor Office successor
Berardo Archbishop of Salerno
Roberto Arcofate
Jens Grand Archbishop of Lund
Esger Juul
Johannes von Schwerin Archbishop of Riga
Jens Grand