Isidoro Affaitati

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Isidoro Affaitati , also: Izydor Affaita , Affayta or Isidoro Affaita the Elder (born March 25, 1622 in Albogasio , † around 1684 in Warsaw ) was an Italian military engineer and architect who worked mainly in Warsaw.


During the Thirty Years War , Affaitati served as an 18-year-old technical officer in the Habsburg Imperial Army. Around 1648 he married Franceschina Barrera on a home leave, with whom he had four sons: Domenico, Giuseppe, Carlo and the future architect Isidoro Tommaso .

Military engineer

In 1649 he was first mentioned as living in Warsaw. He is mentioned in connection with his older brother, the builder Antonio Affaitati. Isidoro Affaitati then worked as an engineer (captain) in the Polish army, which was reorganized after the Cossack uprising . His younger brother, Carlo Ambrogio Affaitati, was a chaplain, secretary and confessor to Queen Luisa Maria Gonzaga of Poland .

With the beginning of the Swedish Flood he fought on the side of the Royal Polish Army and was used in siege battles in Krakow and Toruń , among other things . In 1666 he visited his Italian homeland Valsolda for the last time . After his return he worked as an architect in Warsaw until his death. For his services as a military engineer, Affaitati received an appanage from King John II Casimir in 1655 and two brickworks located outside Warsaw in 1668. In 1673 he was granted indigenous status. From 1678 he was also awarded the dignity of secretary to the king ( Johann III. Sobieski ).

Architect in Poland

Isidoro Affaitati worked as an architect for three Polish kings - John Casimir II, Michael I and John III. Sobieski. For John II Casimir he rebuilt the Kazimierz Palace (then called “Villa Regia”), which had been destroyed by Swedish troops . He took over elements of the original building and combined them with the style of the Italian Baroque . He later adopted many of the design elements of the palace he had created when building his own house (“Villa Salve”) in Albogasio.

Another important building by Affaitati is the Warsaw Franciscan Church. This church is similar to another Affaitatis church - the Church of Santa Annunziata in Albogasio. In many other buildings he made significant changes. These included the Camaldoli Hermitage , the Warsaw Carmelite Church in Krakowskie Przedmieście and the Pažaislis Church near Kaunas in present-day Lithuania . The altar of the Shrine of the Black Madonna of the Jasna Góra Monastery in Czestochowa , originally designed by Giovanni Battista Gisleni , was also completed under Affaitati.


Web links

Commons : Isidoro Affaitati  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carlo Ambrogio Affaitati (1625–1695) was an Italian clergyman who worked in Poland at the royal court
  2. according to Janusz Pelc (Head), Krzysztof Mrowcewicz, Marek Prejs, Barok w Polsce iw Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Drogi przemian i osmozy culture , materials for a scientific conference in Warsaw from March 23-25, 1999, ISBN 9788387608712 , Warsaw University Publishing House, Warsaw 2000
  3. according to Teresa Kaczorowska, Leszek Chmielewski - polski artysta w Castello di Valsolda  ( page can no longer be accessed , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Dead Link /   , in the journal Polonia Włoska , No. 1–2 / 2011 (58/59), p. 27 (in Polish)