Ivan Kalymon

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Iwan Kalymon (born May 16, 1921 in Komańcza , Poland , † June 29, 2014 in Detroit ) was a Ukrainian police officer. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has had him on its list of the ten most wanted National Socialist war criminals worldwide since 2011 .


Kalymon was born in Poland in 1921 as a member of the Ukrainian minority. As the Ludwigsburg investigators from the Central Office for the Processing of Nazi Crimes found out, he went to Vienna at the age of 18 , where he briefly helped on a farm. He later worked in Hanover for two years , but then his track is lost until he reappears in Lemberg , Poland. There he applied to the Ukrainian auxiliary police ( protection team ). The Ukrainian auxiliary police officers were actively involved in the murder of Jewish people from 1943 onwards . They helped clear the ghettos and deport the Jews, and took part in mass shootings . Many of these acts were meticulously documented, as the auxiliary police, for example, had to request new ammunition after each use. According to the Tagesspiegel, a handwritten note from Kalymon reads : “I, (…) Iwan Kalymon from the 5th Commissariat of the Ukrainian Police, used my weapon during the Jewish campaign on August 14, 1942 at 7 p.m. and used 4 pieces of ammunition, one of which I used Injured someone and killed someone. ” Since this document links Kalymon to a murder, it was assumed that legal action against him could be easier than in the case of the now convicted war criminal Demjanjuk . In Lviv, a large part of the local Jewish population was murdered by the National Socialists, including in the Lviv ghetto , the Janowska concentration camp and the Belzec extermination camp . In the two years 1942 and 1943, well over 100,000 Jews are said to have been murdered in the city of Lemberg.

After the war Kalymon emigrated to the USA and called himself "John". Iwan Kalymon lived in Michigan but was expatriated from the United States in 2009 as a suspected Nazi criminal. The head of the American special investigation authority for Nazi crimes, Eli Rosenbaum , had drawn the attention of Ludwigsburg investigators to him in 2009. Kalymon sued his expatriation in US courts. In 2013 his lawsuit was dismissed, but he reached a hearing in the Supreme Court . Kalymon was sentenced to leave the country by a Detroit court in January 2011 . The court then considered it proven that he had committed war crimes as a member of the Ukrainian police.

The Tagesspiegel wrote in 2009 about Kalymon that he was "one of the foreign 'volunteers' who were (co-) perpetrators in the National Socialist mass murder of European Jews."

Kalymon died on June 29, 2014 in his home on a Detroit suburb.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b John Kalymon, Elderly 'Nazi,' Dies Before Germany Can Try Him For Murder. ( Memento of the original from July 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Huffington Post, July 9, 2014 (accessed July 9, 2014).  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.huffingtonpost.com
  2. 90-year-old former Nazi loses legal battle to stop deportation from the US . CNN International , January 4, 2013 (English)
  3. On the trail of the Nazi perpetrators - Demjanjuk not the last case . In: Der Tagesspiegel from May 28, 2009