Izzat - A Killer Thriller

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German title Izzat - A Killer Thriller
Original title Izzat
Country of production Norway
original language Norwegian , punjabi
Publishing year 2005
length 103 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
script Leon Bashir
Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen
production John M. Jacobsen
music Magnus Beite
camera Gaute Gunnari
cut Wibecke Rønseth

Izzat - A Killer Thriller is a Norwegian film drama / thriller from director Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen from 2005. The film tells the fictional story of uprooted Muslim Einwanderkindes Wasim from up and growing up in a criminal gang, in modern Western Europe . The main actor and his two best friends follow the dream of a quick buck, which turns him into a criminal and unscrupulous creature who unconditionally and following a code of power and honor usher in his own personal downfall.


The three immigrant children who were friends, Wasim, Riaz and Munawar, are of Pakistani origin and are growing up in simple circumstances in the Norwegian capital of the 1980s. As naive uprooted youngsters with a Norwegian passport, they recognize early on that the easiest way to get money and prosperity is with crooked business. At that time, the local drug traffickers were fighting with an increasing number of immigrant gangs who were proceeding extremely brutally and with hitherto unknown severity on their way to supremacy. The three young men join a gang that is currently being set up , the East Side Crew around the two Pakistani brothers Saddiq and Khalid, seeking respect. This way you get into the criminal milieu early on through minor thefts and courier services. Organized crime has become the norm over the years, and the gang becomes something like their new family.

In the 1990s, the gang led by the two brutal brothers gained enormous popularity. You get into the lucrative drug business, which inevitably leads to conflicts with the long-established underworld king Kula. Despite initial tensions, however, an escalation is avoided and a peaceful co-existence with fixed territories is achieved. At that time, Saddiq's gang was still dependent on Kula's drug deliveries. However, due to the good "economic situation", the plan is to increase profits further and from then on imports the drugs directly from the countries of origin. Wasim, Riaz and Munawar enjoy the trust of their bosses over the years, so that they are entrusted with explosive tasks.

However, time also brings changes. Riaz is getting more and more rebellious. His anger is directed against Khalid, Saddiq's older brother, who threatens to hijack his girlfriend. Humiliated, he then hides hard drugs in Khalid's vehicle, which are the fatality of the vehicle owner at a police check. The Pakistani, like his brother, does not have Norwegian citizenship, and is unceremoniously deported to his home country by the authorities . His brother Saddiq then seeks revenge on the fugitive Riaz. After Riaz is caught, the increasingly aggressive and extreme Saddiq demands of Wasim to shoot his childhood friend. Wasim reluctantly carries out the killing of his best friend, and his previous life then gradually falls apart.

When new drug couriers have to be recruited, Munawar secretly goes to Australia with his girlfriend. Wasim covers him, but falls out of favor with the “patriarch” of the gang. His personal situation worsens, at the latest when his brother cannot settle his immense gambling debts that he has with Kula. Since Wasim cannot help him financially, he decides to raise money; He secretly carries out a profitable drug deal in the area of ​​his gang. When his one-off deal is exposed, Saddiq tries to get revenge on his disloyal and dishonest companion of yore. An assassination attempt fails and the warned Wasim tries to blackmail Saddiq with an incriminating video recording that would mean his expulsion. Wasim's “non-aggression pact”, however, fails with fatal consequences. Kula and Saddiq team up and take Wasim's little sister under their control. The young woman is then made compliant with drugs and severely abused and raped by Kula.

At the end of the film, Wasim takes revenge on his sister's tormentors. He is caught red-handed and sentenced to prison for his offense. In the last scene of the film, he sits 36-year a court experts over which a judicial opinions created that, at best, to a suspension of his sentence for probation can result. He meticulously tells this woman his life story.


"Exciting crime drama with convincing actors that makes use of classic genre standards."

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Individual evidence

  1. Izzat - A Killer Thriller. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used