Jürgen Hipp

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Hermann Jürgen Hipp (born December 2, 1951 in Frankfurt am Main ) became known to a larger audience as a book author and by the media so-called "Game Show King", "Rate King", "Game Show As" in the 80s and 90s. In this context, his book publications "Behind the scenes - TV game shows and their candidates" and "Talk around the clock - Behind the scenes of Arabella, Christians, Meiser & Co" as well as numerous TV appearances in prominent talk shows such as "III" contributed to this 9 "at.


After completing his main studies in English , German and pedagogy (secondary studies in psychology with Alexander Mitscherlich and philosophy with Karl-Otto Apel ; from 1973 to 1976, worked on the Max Planck research project Cognitive and Social Determinants of Language Acquisition - Habermas , Oevermann , Miller ) and legal clerkship In 1977 he entered the high school education service of the State of Hesse . Shortly thereafter, he was appointed training officer for the then new area of media didactics at a study seminar, and he took over as deputy head of the department as director of studies in the 1990s until he left.

In addition to many areas of seminar organization, his tasks included holding training events in microteaching, IKG (information and communication technology basic education), educational and social sciences, etc.


His articles in the travel supplement of the Hanauer Anzeiger HA (China, Canada, USA, Polynesia, Andalusia, Florida, Rio Grande etc.), where he also published cultural and music reviews, bear witness to numerous trips abroad . In the time thereafter (1992–1994) he was co-organizer of the Hanau Literature Telephone

He published his first novel Fallout - The Time Afterwards in 1988, influenced by the events of Chernobyl in 1986 . The proceeds from the sale went to the then Nadezhda Foundation. Readings at the schools of the German book trade in Frankfurt, at culture days etc. were the result.

He made contributions to the literary genres of poetry and short stories in the context of small anthology volumes. Technical articles on the media sector were also written by him.


His interest in the game show format was aroused by the BBC series Going for Gold , the unofficial European quiz championship with participants from 14 countries, where he won a medal for Germany as one of the winners of the Germany eliminations in January 1988 at the BBC studios in London (broadcast in D by Super Channel )

This was followed by 14 other appearances in various formats ( Bingo , Wheel of Fortune , Jeopardy ! , Das große Los , Jeopardy , Head for Head etc.), which resulted in the book Behind the Scenes - Game Shows and Their Candidates (see above).

The publication, in which the cover cover, which Jürgen Hipp shows with Frank Elstner , was initially to be prevented, generated a diverse - also international - media response.

After numerous participations in all kinds of radio and TV talk shows, mostly live, he released the band Talk around the clock! - Behind the scenes of Arabella, Christians, Meiser and Co. , which also caused a lot of press coverage. As a so-called talk show Wallraff by the media, he had participated in a number of programs of this type, either himself or people he had coached, always in compliance with the contractual conditions of these formats.

Health reasons are responsible for his professional and media withdrawal at the end of the nineties.

Individual evidence

  1. Stuttgarter Nachrichten of May 25, 1996
  2. FOCUS issue 29/1996, pages 140-142
  3. Hamburger Abendblatt June 5, 1996
  4. rororo non-fiction book ISBN 3-499-60112-5
  5. ECON non-fiction book ISBN 3-612-26430-3
  6. ^ ARD - Radio Bremen, July 12, 1996, participants among others: the last GDR Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière, astronaut Thomas Reiter, singer and producer Michael Holm, ESC participant Guildo Horn etc.
  7. Hanauer Anzeiger 1985, Long noses are marveled at in the provinces - The experiences of a single traveler in China
  8. HA May 23, 1992, Where a thousand lakes are looking for a name - With houseboats and mobile homes through southern Ontario
  9. ^ HA April 4, 1992, To the Jabega after Conil - Tradition and progress in an Andalusian fishing village
  10. ^ HA travel supplement 1989, "And the alligator barks at night"
  11. ^ HA travel supplement 1990, "Yuccas, Tarantulas and Roadrunners"
  12. ^ HA September 26, 1990, with cultural functionaries at the top - the former PEN President of the GDR, Heinz Knobloch, on the literary business in the SED state
  13. HA March 27, 1990, only weak audience response - The Sèbèstien Trio at the Philippsruher Schloßkonzerten
  14. Frankfurter Rundschau, July 12, 1991, literary telephone in the Hanau town hall ...: When Polynices is the main actor
  15. Fallout - The time after, publishing house of free authors, Fulda 1988, ISBN 3-88611-051-6
  16. Hanauer Anzeiger, September 9, 1988, "To cope with an explosive topic"
  17. premiere 3, edition ws, Fulda 14989, ISBN 3-88611-068-0
  18. luggage 2, edition ws, Fulda, ISBN 3-88611-112-1 .
  19. HPhV, Focus School, observations on the technical competence of the teacher
  20. Going for Gold is a British television game show that originally aired on BBC1 between 12 October 1987 and 9 July 1996 - excerpt from the British Wikipedia edition
  21. The profit of 15,000 DM was donated to the Hanau Blind Association. (Kreisanzeiger Wetteraukreis, October 24, 1996)
  22. KA, September 11, 1996, "The big lot fell on a group of blind people from the region" "... and uncrowned 'game show king' of Germany ..."
  23. TV game show by Tele 5, host Werner Schulze-Erdel
  24. Wiener Kurier, 23 September 1996, "Dear Frank Elstner is pissed off"
  25. ^ Neue Ruhr Zeitung Essen, July 5, 1996, "Points, Penunzen, Embarrassments"
  26. ^ Daily newspaper taz, June 15, 1996, permanent candidate - a director of studies has written a book about his undercover activities in German game shows
  27. PICTURE October 8, 1996, How do I cream off at game shows?
  28. Stuttgarter Nachrichten, May 25, 1996, After the broadcast you are only a cost factor - game show king Jürgen Hipp about his TV experiences ...
  29. TV feature film, issue 15/96, "Money makes you cool - when there are ten grand the fun stops"
  30. Lübecker Nachrichten, April 30, 1996, "The whole life is a quiz"
  31. FOCUS 45/1997, storm on the chatterbox
  32. sunny, Rhein Main area, March 11, 1998, "Let's talk about talk", edition 150,450 copies