Jürgen Wegener (painter, 1901)

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Jürgen Wegener (born September 18, 1901 in Stolp , † July 19, 1984 in Tutzing ) was a German painter .


Jürgen Wegener was born as the son of a theologian and classical philologist in Stolp in Pomerania in 1901. After graduating from high school in 1919, he began to study art history in Graz and for wall painting and stage design at the Berlin Art Academy . He also completed an apprenticeship as a painter.

In 1927 he became a set designer at the East German State Theater in Berlin and was later awarded the title of professor.

In 1930, Wegener received a teaching assignment for wall painting at the State University of Fine Arts (formerly Bauhaus ) in Weimar , where most of the teaching staff had been dismissed after the establishment of the National Socialist Thuringian state government . During the time of National Socialism , Wegener was a representative of so-called German art . By the end of the war in 1945 he painted thirteen churches in Thuringia. He also created murals on public buildings, e.g. B. the mural in the town hall of Pößneck confirmation of the rights granted

At the end of the war he joined a Bavarian comrade and came to Lake Starnberg, where he found a place to stay.

He did not live to see the opening of the exhibition in Pöckingen Town Hall in July 1984. A few days earlier, the 83-year-old died of double pneumonia.


  1. a b c The Süddeutsche Zeitung (Cornelius Görres) published a detailed obituary, a biography and an evaluation of Jürgen Wegener's artistic personality on July 24, 1984.
  2. See also the illustrations in the magazine Die Kunst im Deutschen Reich , Vol. 3 (1939), p. 82, p. 88 and Vol. 7 (1943), p. 172.

Web links

Commons : Jürgen Wegener  - Collection of images, videos and audio files