Jürgen Weitzel

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Jürgen Weitzel (born March 21, 1944 in Plauen ; † April 20, 2015 in Würzburg ) was a German legal scholar . He held the chair for German and European legal history, church law and civil law at the University of Würzburg .

Live and act

Jürgen Weitzel attended elementary school and high school in Frankfurt am Main . From 1950 to 1963 he studied there and in Heidelberg jurisprudence . He received his doctorate in the summer semester 1974 at the University of Frankfurt am Main with the thesis The fight for the appeal to the Reich Chamber of Commerce. On the political history of legal remedies in Germany . From 1976 to 1982 Weitzel was an assistant professor at the Free University of Berlin , where he completed his habilitation in 1983 . From 1984 to 1993 there were professorships; from 1995 he was a full professor in Würzburg. Weitzel was Dean of the Faculty of Law from April 1, 1998 to September 30, 1999. He died after a long and serious illness. In 2004 he was awarded the Sarton Medal by the University of Ghent . His two main areas of work were the Imperial Court of Justice and early medieval and medieval law and court.

Fonts (selection)

A list of publications compiled by Bernhard Diestelkamp , Reingard Rauch appeared in: Obituary for Jürgen Weitzel (Plauen March 21, 1944– April 20, 2015). In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History, German Department. 133, 2016, pp. 852-867.

  • The fight for the appeal to the Reich Chamber of Commerce. On the political history of legal remedies in Germany (= sources and research on the highest jurisdiction in the old Reich. Vol. 15). Böhlau, Cologne et al. 1976, ISBN 3-412-05475-5 .
  • About Oberhöfe. Law and Justice (= Göttingen Studies on Legal History. Vol. 15). Musterschmidt, Göttingen 1981, ISBN 3-7881-1835-0 .
  • Thing cooperative and law. Studies on the understanding of law in the Franconian-German Middle Ages (= sources and research on the highest jurisdiction in the old Reich. Vol. 15). Böhlau, Cologne et al. 1985, ISBN 3-412-00385-9 .
  • Facts and quality of decision. Duncker & Humblot 1990, ISBN 3-4280-6851-3 .


  • Bernhard Diestelkamp : Obituary for Jürgen Weitzel (Plauen March 21, 1944– April 20, 2015). In: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History, German Department. 133, 2016, pp. 856-867.
  • Ignacio Czeguhn (Hrsg.): Law in Change - Change of Law. Festschrift for Jürgen Weitzel on his 70th birthday. Böhlau, Cologne et al. 2014, ISBN 3-412-22237-2 .

Web links


  1. Ghent University honors Jürgen Weitzel.Retrieved on March 12, 2012