Jürgen Wernstedt

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Jürgen Wernstedt (born June 1, 1940 in Halle (Saale) ) is a German electrical engineer and professor for control engineering / system modeling . He created the scientific basis for system analysis as part of technical cybernetics at the Technical University of Ilmenau . He was also head of the newly founded application center "System Technology" Ilmenau of the Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing Karlsruhe (IITB) and co-founder and first managing director of "System Engineering GmbH Ilmenau".

Live and act

Jürgen Wernstedt was born in Halle (Saale) , returned with his parents to the family's farm in Stegelitz / Altmark in 1945, attended a polytechnic secondary school (POS) and an advanced secondary school (EOS) and graduated from high school in 1958 . Immediately afterwards he studied at the Technical University of Ilmenau (TH Ilmenau) at the faculty for low-voltage technology , later in the main course in control engineering with Karl Reinisch . He completed his studies in 1964 as a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) For control engineering .

He started working as a scientific assistant for control engineering at the TH Ilmenau with Karl Reinisch . Here he worked on his dissertation and received his doctorate in 1969. In 1972 he was appointed university lecturer for “Automatic Control Modeling”. Then he started to set up the teaching and research group “Process Analysis and Process Management” in the Institute for Control Engineering of the Technical and Biomedical Cybernetics section and to develop corresponding special courses.

In 1978 he acquired the Facultas Docendi and submitted his habilitation thesis (dissertation B). This was followed by his doctorate to become a Doctor of Science (Doctor scientiae technicarum, Dr. sc. Techn.); later conversion of the “Dr. sc. techn. "in" Dr.-Ing. habil. "

From 1983 to 1985 he switched to the microelectronics industry in the Microelectronics company in Erfurt , where he worked as a project manager for “computer-aided process management” in the manufacture of highly integrated circuits . This enabled him to gain practical experience in his special field of "process analysis and process management".

In 1985 he was appointed full professor for the field of systems analysis at the TH Ilmenau. After German reunification , Wernstedt was invited to the Vienna University of Technology as an honorary professor for "Knowledge-Based Systems in Robotics" and carried out this task from 1993 to 1996. At the same time he worked at the Lower Austrian State Academy in Krems an der Donau .

In 1996 Wernstedt was appointed C4 professor for the field of systems analysis at the TU Ilmenau. In addition, he was entrusted with the management of the newly founded application center for system technology in Ilmenau of the Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing Karlsruhe (IITB) . In addition, he was one of the founders and the first managing director of "System Engineering GmbH Ilmenau".

The teaching of Wernstedt covered the following areas:

  • Control and system technology
  • Process analysis
  • System analysis
  • Modeling
  • Fuzzy control
  • Knowledge based and decision support systems
  • Man-technology-environment.

For this purpose, Wernstedt created the corresponding specialist books "Experimental Process Analysis" (1989) and "Fuzzy Control" (1996).

In the research area of ​​systems analysis , Wernstedt has carried out numerous projects for computer-aided recording, selection and processing of information (data analysis) and had the corresponding scientific evaluations carried out in the context of dissertations and other graduation projects . This led to the creation of mathematical-cybernetic models for signals and systems.

His goal here was to create the conditions for forecasting and decision-making in complex processes. In particular, it was always about the development and implementation of decision proposals and decision strategies for design, diagnosis, control / management and planning in technical and non-technical application areas.

During his research he supervised numerous diploma theses as well as around 40 doctorates and also accompanied 5 habilitation theses. This academic student of Wernstedt are now in the private sector, and some even worked as professors, including the many years as vice-rector and at times as rector of HTWK working Markus Krabbes .

In 2005, Wernstedt retired when he reached the age limit , and he continued to be scientifically active afterwards. He belongs to the academic environment of Karl Reinisch , from which other professors emerged: Ulrich Engmann, Manfred Günther , Tatjana Lange , Jan Lunze , G. Otto, H. Puta, Michael Roth , Josef Sponer, Günter Stein and others

Publications (selection)

  • A contribution to the system analysis of disturbed linear industrial controlled systems with analog models. Dissertation, TH Ilmenau, Faculty of Engineering, Ilmenau 1969.
  • Experimental process analysis. Verlag Technik, Berlin 1989, ISBN 978-3-341-00676-4 .
  • Experimental process analysis. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich; Vienna 1989, ISBN 978-3-486-20869-6 .
  • Blue, JR; Franke, A .; Wernstedt, J .; Fuchs-Kittowski, K .: Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Competence of Man in Man-Machine Systems (based on Pilot Performance). In: Fuchs-Kittowski, K .; Hartmann, Chr .; Mühlenberg, E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the International IFIP-HUB-Conference on Information System, Work and Organization Design. Berlin 1989.
  • Mario Koch, Thomas Kuhn, Jürgen Wernstedt: Fuzzy control - optimal simulation and design of optimal decisions. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich; Vienna 1996, ISBN 978-3-486-23355-1 .


  • TU Ilmenau, Jürgen Wernstedt
  • TU Ilmenau, Institute for Automation and System Technology
  • Horst Strobel : Experimental systems analysis. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1975.
  • Hartwig Steusloff: On the 60th birthday of Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Wernstedt. Automation technology, Munich. Vol. 48, 2000, No. 7, pp. 360-361.
  • Karl Heinz Fasol ; Rudolf Lauber; Franz Mesch; Heinrich Rake ; Manfred Thoma ; Heinz Töpfer : Great Names and the Early Days of Control in Germany. In: Automation technology, Munich. Vol. 54, 2006, No. 9, pp. 462-472.
  • Christian Döschner , Markus Krabbes : Determination of the model error bounds of a dynamic robot model using stochastic approximation. In: Workshop SOAVE 2000 - self-organization of adaptive behavior, Ilmenau. Progress reports VDI, series 10, 643. VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf 2000.
  • Thomas Rauschenbach, Hartwig Steusloff: On the 70th birthday of Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Wernstedt. Automation technology, Munich. Vol. 58, 2010, No. 7.
  • Wolfgang Weller : Automation technology through the ages - development history of a fascinating subject . Publisher epubli GmbH Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8442-5487-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wernstedt, Jürgen. In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar Online. De Gruyter. Retrieved March 12, 2020.
  2. ^ Frank Dittmann: Karl Reinisch's curriculum vitae. In: Frank Dittmann, Rudolf Seising: Cybernetics infects the East - the rise and difficulties of an interdisciplinary science in the GDR . Trafo Verlag, Berlin 2007.
  3. First comprehensive presentation of this subject in German-language literature with more than 400 pages.