Jack El-Hai

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Jack El-Hai (born December 1, 1958 in the USA ) is an American journalist and author whose works deal primarily with the history of medicine , science and other historical topics.


El-Hai graduated from Carleton College in Northfield in 1979 . In addition to his books, he has published in publications such as Atlantic Monthly , the Washington Post magazine, and others.

The author has previously taught creative writing at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication , the University of Minnesota and its Split Rock Arts Program , the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and Downtown Minneapolis at the Loft Literary Center . He currently teaches creative writing at Augsburg College in Minneapolis.

El-Hai lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two daughters.


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ He liked Goering particularly well. In: FAZ . November 22, 2014, p. 12.