Jacob Behrens

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Jacob Behrens (born January 9, 1791 in Lübeck ; † April 19, 1852 ibid) was a German merchant and councilor from Lübeck.


Jacob Behrens was the son of the Lübeck merchant Jacob Behrens the Elder (1759-1829), who became better known through the household books published by Björn R. Kommer . Jacob Behrens the Younger belonged to the influential merchant company in Lübeck and, as its elder, was elected councilor in 1833. From 1835 to 1851 he was President of the Customs Deputation, from 1836 to 1843 President of the Military Department and a member of the city's commission for trade and shipping. On September 1, 1840, the Senate of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck received King Christian VIII and Queen Caroline Amalie of Denmark in his house at Königstrasse 5 . In 1851 Behrens resigned from the Lübeck Senate .

The German-American businessman Jakob Behrens and the numismatist Heinrich Behrens were his sons. His daughter Charlotte († 1857) married the farmer Gustav Friedrich Pauli (1824–1911) in 1855.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lübeck 1787 - 1808: the household books of the businessman Jacob Behrens the Elder , Verlag Graphische Werkstätten, Lübeck 1989
  2. ^ Report in Lübeckische Blätter 1840, No. 36.
  3. On the biography of Gustav Pauli