Jacob von Schilling

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Jacob Julius Fabian von Schilling (* March 9th July / March 20,  1790 greg. On the Orgena manor in Jerwen , Estonia ; † January 9th July / January 21,  1860 greg. In Reval ) was a Russian lieutenant general and knight of the order Pour le Mérite .

Life and family environment

Jacob Julius Fabian von Schilling came from a German-Baltic aristocratic family , which has been traceable in Courland since 1563 and possibly descended from Baron Schilling von Lahnstein, who died in Germany . She was enrolled in both the Courland and Estonian Knighthood . He was born on March 20, 1790 in Orgena, Estonia. His parents were the Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt Lieutenant Colonel Fabian Wilhelm von Schilling (1761-1831) on Seinigal in Estonia and Anna Juliane von Rosen (1770-1845). He was married to Rita Charlotte Lopez († 1852). Jacob von Schilling died in Reval on January 21, 1860.

Military career

Jacob von Schilling entered the Russian army as an officer candidate in 1806 and served his way up to the imperial Russian cavalry master in the patrol corps of the later General Alexander Ivanovich Tschernyschow in the Franco-Russian war and in the subsequent wars of liberation against Napoleon . Because of his bravery, his commander Tschernyschow beat him to the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. on April 6th July / April 18, 1814 greg. with five other officers of his corps for the award of the order Pour le Mérite. With the highest cabinet order of October 13, 1814, King Schilling then awarded this medal.

In 1828 he became the commander of the Russian dragoon regiment, Duke Alexander von Württemberg , and in 1831 he was appointed major general. In the years 1837 to 1845 he commanded various brigades and then came to the Caucasus - Corps . In 1847 he was lieutenant general and commanded from 1850 to 1852, the 19th Infantry - Division . He had been Baron von Schilling since 1855 , as his entire family had this title recognized by Senatsukas on October 17, 1855.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Genealogical manual of the nobility . Adelslexikon Volume XII, CA Starke-Verlag, Limburg 2001, p. 431f.
  2. ^ Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility, Volume FB Volume VIII, pp. 301, 309.
  3. ^ Gustav Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le merite . Volume II, No. 2033, Mittler, Berlin 1913