Jacques Thuillier

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Jacques Thuillier (born March 18, 1928 in Vaucouleurs , † October 18, 2011 in Paris ) was a French art historian .

life and work

Jacques Thuillier came from an old Lorraine family from Marchéville . The son of a teacher attended school in Nevers . After completing his studies at the École normal supérieure in 1954, years of scholarship followed in Rome and at the Fondation Thiers in Paris. From 1956 he taught at the Sorbonne as a lecturer and then as an assistant. He became a professor at the University of Dijon in 1962 . From 1970 he taught again at the Sorbonne as a professor of modern and modern art. In 1977 he was elected to the Collège de France , where he taught the history of French art until his retirement in 1998. From October 1998 he was an honorary professor there. He was a member of the Center national de la recherche scientifique , from 1991 a member of the Conseil artistique des Musèes Nationaux and finally from 1998 a member of the Haut Comité des célébrations nationales. In the Comité international d'histoire de l'art (CIHA), the world association of art historians, he was from 1964 to 1968 as secrétaire scientiique adjoint (deputy scientific secretary) and then as secrétaire scientiique (scientific secretary) in 1983 . In this role he played an important role in the development of international congresses. The journals Art de France and Revue d'Art were essentially based on his endeavors.

His research focus was French painting of the 17th and 18th centuries. He published numerous studies on leading painters during this period, including a standard work on Nicolas Poussin in 1969 . Further works were dedicated to Georges de la Tour , Nicolas Poussin and Jean-Honoré Fragonard . He also published a History of French Painting and, finally, a History of Art . He also made his knowledge available to the preservation authorities. During the renovation of the Galerie des Glaces in the Palace of Versailles , he was a member of the international scientific committee. As early as the 1960s, he advocated the use of computers in painting. There was a collaboration with the Getty Foundation in Los Angeles .

He has received numerous awards for his research. He was accepted as an officer in the French Legion of Honor . He was National Order of Merit with the rank of Grand Officer (Grand officier) and Commendatore awarded (Commandeur). He was awarded the Grand Prix d'histoire de la Ville de Paris (1991), the Grand Prix national d'histoire (1994) and the Grand Prix d'histoire Chateaubriand (2002).



  • Hermann Fillitz : Jacques Thuillier. In: Austrian Academy of Sciences. Almanac 2013/2014, 163/164. Volume, Vienna 2015, pp. 575–579.
  • Roland Recht: Note on the Life and Work of Jacques Thuillier. In: Collège de France Newsletter n ° 7 2012, pp. 84–87 ( online ).

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