Jakob Faulhaber

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Jakob Faulhaber (born March 27, 1900 in Erlangen , † September 15, 1942 in Stuttgart ) was a German communist resistance fighter against the Nazi state .


After completing his school education, Faulhaber learned the trade of a locksmith . Later he worked as a gardener . Initially he was organized in the social democratic youth workers , but in 1930 he joined the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). After the transfer of power to the NSDAP in 1933, he was sent to the Kislau concentration camp for “ protective custody ” until 1934 . When he was released again, he ran a gardening business on Waldstrasse in Mannheim as a self-employed person . Georg Lechleiter , one of the leading figures of the North Baden resistance movement, was also employed for a time.

Jakob Faulhaber was active in the particularly active resistance group Waldhof - Gartenstadt . He was the head of the technical apparatus and made sure that all information reached the appropriate recipient. Above all, producing the anti-fascist newspaper “Der Vorbote” and selling it was his most important concern. But the Gestapo was able to uncover the Lechleiter group and Faulhaber was one of those arrested in a mass arrest. All of them were indicted before the People's Court and 19 of them were sentenced to death. On September 15, 1942, Faulhaber was also executed with the guillotine.

In a farewell letter he wrote: "The highest goal of a person is to live for others, to sacrifice oneself for others".


  • A memorial at the Heidelberg Bergfriedhof commemorates the victims of the Nazi justice system. Faulhaber is also buried there.
  • Jakob-Faulhaber-Straße in the Waldhof district of Mannheim reminds of him.


  • Memorial sites for the victims of National Socialism. A documentation . Volume I, Bonn 1995, p. 58, ISBN 3-89331-208-0

Individual evidence

  1. http://widerstandausstellung.mop.de/ausstellung/die_lechleiter-gruppe_jakob_faulhaber.htm
  2. https://www.marchivum.de/de/strassennamen/jakob-faulhaber-strasse