James Greselius

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Jacobus Greselius.

Jakobus Greselius (also Jakob Gresel , Jakob Gryselius or Jakob Chryselius ) (* 1483 in Bramsche ; † January 13, 1552 in Rees ) was professor at the first University of Cologne and Canon of Rees on the Lower Rhine .

University career

After attending the Carolinum grammar school in Osnabrück and (probably) the cathedral school in Münster in 1501, Greselius entered the Cornelian course of the artist faculty of Cologne University. As early as 1503 he acquired the lowest academic degree, Baccalaureus , in 1504 he was awarded a Magister Artium with the license to teach at the bursa. In 1506 the artist faculty appointed him professor. Until 1511 he was an examiner for baccalaureate and master’s exams. In the same year he was elected dean of the artist faculty. Greselius was very much in favor of the revival of classical Latin. It is not known why he gave up his professorship.


In 1533/35 Greselius moved to Rees and became a canon there.

The well-known humanist and cleric never let the connection to his hometown be severed despite the great distance at the time. The importance of Gresel beyond his time into the 20th century is particularly evident in the extent of his material legacy in Bramsche. In his will he decreed, among other things, a family and a poor foundation, the establishment of an infirmary and a Latin and elementary school for boys and girls, as well as an apartment and an annual salary of 20 gulden for the teacher.

Greselius had laid down the type and scope of the lessons as well as the conditions for hiring and firing teachers in detail. They should be chosen and chosen from among the offspring of his parents. If he did not come from this family, he had to vow to marry a girl from the Gresel family and henceforth to bear the name Greselius or Chreselius. This tradition lasted until 1917 with the teacher and cantor Heinrich Kaiser (1842–1946).

On the occasion of the death of Greselius, Johann Christian Klinkhamer wrote : "Aureus ipse sol est Latio sermone vocatus / Guestphalicisque utinam luceat in tenebris" (German: "He is called in Latin 'golden sun' / may he shine the Westphalia in the darkness").


The Greselius-Gymnasium in Bramsche, founded in 1969, has been named after him since 1990.


  • Eberhard Doll: Jakob Gresel 1483-1552. Life and legacy of a Rhenish-Westphalian cleric and humanist , Bramsche 1997.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Play on words Chrys-elius after the Greek chrysos (golden) and helios (sun).
  2. Eberhard Doll, p. 104 f.
  3. Numbers and facts ( memento of the original from November 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Greselius-Gymnasium, accessed on November 22, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.greselius.de