Jacob Kluding

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Jakob Kluding (born November 30, 1898 in Oberbexbach ; † August 29, 1983 in Homburg ) was a German journalist and CDU politician .

Kluding studied in Würzburg and wrote a doctoral thesis on the subject of coal mining in 1923 , which was then published. In that year he joined the Center Party , to which he belonged until it was brought into line in 1933. After the war he was editor-in-chief of the Saarländische Volkszeitung from 1946 to 1949 . Then he became a member of the CVP and the CDU. In 1952 he was a member of the Saarland state parliament for a short time , but quickly resigned his mandate as he moved to Rhineland-Palatinate: until 1959 he held the position of editor-in-chief of the magazine Der Pfälzer . From 1953 to 1954 he was also managing director of the CDU in the Palatinate district . In 1955 he was elected to the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament, to which he belonged for an electoral term until 1959. In 1956 he was elected mayor of Landstuhl , he held the office until 1964, after which he was a member of the local city council until 1974.

He was a member of the Catholic student union KStV Normannia Würzburg.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karlheinz Schauder: Dr. Jakob Kluding in memory. In: Yearbook on the history of the city and district of Kaiserslautern. Volumes 20/21, 1982/83, Kaiserslautern 1984. pp. 364-367.