Jakob Kolletschka

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Jakob Kolletschka lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1844

Jakob Kolletschka , after another spelling Koletschka (born July 4, 1803 in Deutsch Bielau (Bohemia), † March 13, 1847 in Vienna ), was an Austrian pathological anatomist .

Kolletschka studied at the University of Vienna , where he also received his doctorate . At the pathological-anatomical institute under the direction of Rokitansky , he was an assistant for ten years with brief interruptions. In 1837 he began to hold private courses in pathological anatomy, which were well attended. In 1839 he wrote “On Pericarditis” with Joseph Škoda . This work appeared in the Austrian yearbooks and made the connection between the results of the examination of the corpse and the observations on the bedside visible in a way that was previously unattainable and the nature of the pathological-anatomical diagnosis.

When Kolletschka left the pathological-anatomical institute, he worked for three years as primary surgeon (chief physician) at the hospital of the Sisters of Mercy in Leopoldstadt . In 1843 he was appointed professor of state medicine and forensic medicine . He held this position for four years.

He suffered blood poisoning from a finger injury in a corpse section , which was accidentally inflicted on him by one of his students with a scalpel , from which he died on March 13, 1847.

Ignaz Semmelweis noticed similarities in the course of Kolletschka's disease and puerperal fever . This led him to believe that the cause of the sepsis in Kolletschka's case was poor hygiene.

In 1972 the Kolletschkagasse in the 22nd district of Vienna, Donaustadt, was named after him.


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Individual evidence

  1. Birth entry in the parish register of Deutsch-Bielau: July 24, 1803 at www.familysearch.org, accessed October 17, 2019
  2. Ignác Semmelweis (1818-1865). Semmelweis University, accessed March 1, 2012 (English).