Jacob Buk

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Jacob Buk , modernized Jakob Buk , Latinized Jacobus Buk , Sorbian: Jakub Buk , (born March 6, 1825 in Siebitz , † August 15, 1895 in Nieder-Wildungen ) was a German - Sorbian Roman Catholic clergyman and author .


Buk tombstone at the parish church of Storcha

Jacob Buk was ordained as cathedral vicar in Bautzen in 1850 and was also a seminary teacher there. Four years later he moved to Dresden as a chaplain and teacher at the Catholic Progymnasium . From 1854 to 1867 Jacob Buk edited the Sorbian scientific newspaper Časopis towarstwa Maćicy Serbskeje . In 1859 he became chaplain at the Catholic Court Church and director of the Catholic Progymnasium in Dresden. From 1876 to 1886 Buk was superior and pastor at the Catholic Court Church and then he held the office of President of the Catholic Consistory and first court chaplain in Dresden until his death during a spa stay. According to his last will, he was buried at the parish church of Storcha , which he had helped to found.

Fonts (selection)

  • Zynki hornołužiskeje serbskeje ryče . (Voces consonantes et vocales linguae sorabicae in Lusatia superiore. Wendish phonology.) Budissin, 1852.
  • 1000 serbskich přisłowow a přisłownych prajidmow . Bautzen, 1862. (= 1000 Wendish proverbs and proverbial sayings.)
  • Nowy zakoń našeho Knjeza Jězusa Khrystusa . Bautzen, 1862. (= The New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
  • Bohuswaw z Dubovina . Bautzen, 1849. (= Heinrich von Eichenfels, by Chr. V. Schmid, translated into Wendish.)
  • The blessing of the daily Ave Maria sound. A sermon . Dresden, 1860.


  • Wilhelm Haan : Saxon writer's lexicon. Alphabetical compilation of the scholars, writers and artists currently living in the Kingdom of Saxony, along with short biographical notes and evidence of their writings published in print, Robert Schaefer's Verlag, Leipzig, 1875, p. 34.
  • J. Šołta, Peter Kunze, F. Šĕn (eds.): Nowy biografiski słownik k stawiznam a kulturje Serbow [= New biographical lexicon on the history and culture of the Sorbs], Bautzen 1984, p. 83f.

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