Jean-Baptiste Jeanin

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Jean-Baptiste Jeanin

Jean-Baptiste Jeanin (born January 22, 1769 in Lanéria , Jura department , † May 2, 1830 in Saulieu, Côte-d'Or ) was a French general de division of the infantry .

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Enthusiastic about the ideas of the revolution , Jeanin joined the army in 1790 and was promoted to Sous-lieutenant in the 10e bataillon de volontaires du Jura in August 1792 . He was able to distinguish himself in the Revolutionary Wars and was already a captain in 1798 .

When Napoleon Bonaparte planned his invasion of Egypt in 1798 , Jeanin also took part under the command of General Jean-Baptiste Kléber . He fought at Chebriss (July 13, 1798) and the Paramids (July 21, 1798). He took part in the siege of Acre in March / June 1799 and fought a. a. before Abukir (July 25, 1799). In the following year Jeanin u. a. in the battle of Heliopolis (March 20, 1800) and in August / September 1801 in the siege of Alexandria . Then Jeanin returned to France together with his command.

When Napoleon was planning his invasion of Spain in 1807 , Jeanin again volunteered. General Jeanin was able to prove his bravery in several battles.

On the occasion of his vacation in Paris in 1809 he made the acquaintance of Pauline Jeanne David (1786–1870) through General Claude-Marie Meunier and married the youngest daughter of the painter Jacques-Louis David a little later.

On December 24, 1811 he received command of the 14th Brigade of the National Guard, which was deployed in the Illyrian provinces in November 1812 and was incorporated as a brigade of the Marcognet Division in July 1813. During the campaign of 1814, Jeanin's troops stood out against the Austrians under the command of the Viceroy of Italy .

During the restoration , King Louis XVIII awarded it . on August 13, 1814 the Ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis and appointed him personally on January 20, 1815 Lieutenant-général . After Napoleon's return he fought in the Army of the Hundred Days with the 6th Corps in Belgium in June 1815 and was at the head of the 20th Infantry Division, which was used in the battle of Waterloo .



  • David G. Chandler : The campaigns of Napoleon . Weidenfeld, London 1993, ISBN 0-297-81367-6 (unchanged reprint of the London 1966 edition)
  • David Gates: The Spanish Ulcer. A history of the peninsular war . Pimlico Publ., London 2002, ISBN 0-7126-9730-6 .
  • Charles Mullié: Biography of the célébrités militaires des armées de terre et de mer de 1789 à 1850, vol. 1 . Poignavant, Paris 1852.
  • Georges Six: Dictionnaire biographique des généraux et amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Émpire. 1792-1814, Vol. 1 . Saffroy, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901541-06-2 (unchanged reprint of the Paris 1934 edition)
  • Jean Tulard (Ed.): Dictionnaire Napoléon . Fayard, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-213-60485-1 (2 vols.)

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