Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo

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Coat of arms of Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo

Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo OFMCap (* 24. March 1965 in Botuzu , Equateur , Democratic Republic of Congo ) is a Congolese religious clergy and Roman Catholic Bishop of Lolo .


Jean-Bertin Nadonye Ndongo joined the Order of the Capuchins in, put on 17 September 1992, the Perpetual from and received on 2 August 1993, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Lolo on January 29, 2015 . He was ordained bishop on April 12th of the same year by the Archbishop of Mbandaka-Bikoro , Joseph Kumuondala Mbimba . Co- consecrators were his predecessor Ferdinand Maemba Liwoke and the bishop of Bokungu-Ikela , Fridolin Ambongo Besungu OFMCap.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Rinuncia del Vescovo di Lolo (Repubblica Democratica del Congo) e nomina del successore. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , January 29, 2015, accessed January 29, 2015 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Ferdinand Maemba Liwoke Bishop of Lolo
since 2015