Jean-Bertrand Barrère

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Jean-Bertrand Barrère (born December 15, 1914 in Paris , † October 16, 1985 in New York ) was a French literary scholar, Romance studies and university professor whose main place of work was Cambridge .

life and work

Life until 1946

Jean-Bertrand Marie Barrère passed the Agrégation in Lettres in 1938 . He taught briefly as a high school teacher in Amiens (1940-1942), then from 1942 to 1946 he was an assistant for French literature at the Sorbonne . From 1944 to 1945 he fought under Jean de Lattre de Tassigny in the 1st French Army and was awarded the War Cross. In 1946 he moved from the Sorbonne to the Institut français in London .

The university professor

In 1947 Barrère completed his habilitation at the Sorbonne with a thesis on Victor Hugo . 1949–1950 and 1952–1954 he taught at the University of Lyon , in between for two years at the Ain Shams University (then Ibrahim Pascha University ) in Cairo . He was then appointed to Cambridge University and taught there until 1982. From 1957 until his sudden death (at a meeting in the United States) he was a Fellow of St John's College , Cambridge.

The author

Barrère enjoyed an international reputation as a profound expert on Victor Hugo, to whom he devoted much of his research. He has also published books on Romain Rolland , Paul Claudel and other authors. He was one of the critics of the Nouveau Roman , which he regarded as the result of a literary "weight loss diet". In the little volume Ma mère qui boite (My limping mother) he revealed himself as a conservative Catholic who suffered from the Second Vatican Council .


Victor Hugo

  • La fantaisie de Victor Hugo . 3 vols. Corti, Paris 1949–1960. Klincksieck, Paris 1971–1973.
    • 1. 1802-1851. 1949, 1971.
    • 2. 1852-1885. 1960, 1972.
    • 3. Thèmes et motifs. 1950, 1973.
  • Hugo. L'homme et l'œuvre . Boivin & Cie, Paris 1952.
    • (Polish) Warsaw 1968.
    • (Chinese) Shanghai 2007.
  • Victor Hugo . Desclée De Brouwer, Paris 1965. (Les écrivains devant Dieu)
  • (Ed.) Victor Hugo: Un carnet des "Misérables" octobre-décembre 1860 . Minard, Paris 1965.
  • Victor Hugo à l'œuvre. Le poète en exile et en voyage . Klincksieck, Paris 1966.
  • (Ed.) Victor Hugo: Poésies . 2 vols. Imprimerie nationale, Paris 1984.

Romain Rolland

  • Romain Rolland par lui-même . Éditions du Seuil, Paris 1955
    • (Israeli) 1969
    • (Portuguese) Romain Rolland por ele próprio . Portugália, Lisbon 1955.
  • Romain Rolland. L'âme et l'art . Albin Michel, Paris 1966.

Other works

  • La Cure d'amaigrissement du roman . Albin Michel, Paris 1964.
  • Critique de chamber . La Palatine, Paris 1964. (To Du Bos, Anouilh, Montherlant, Mauriac, Gide, Bernanos, Malraux and Sartre)
  • L'Idée de goût, de Pascal à Valéry . Klincksieck, Paris 1972.
  • Ma mère qui boite . Nouvelles éditions latines, Paris 1975.
  • Le regard d'Orphée ou l'Échange poétique. Hugo, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Apollinaire . SEDES, Paris 1977.
  • Claudel. Le destin et l'œuvre . SEDES, Paris 1979 Paris.


  • Obituary in Le Monde November 15, 1985
  • Jacques Robichez : Jean-Bertrand Barrère (1914–1985). In: Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel 101, 1986, pp. 7–9 (online)

Web links

Individual evidence
