Jean-Christophe Cambadélis

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Jean-Christophe Cambadélis

Jean-Christophe Cambadélis (born August 14, 1951 in Neuilly-sur-Seine ) is a French politician of the Parti socialiste and was its chairman from April 2014 to June 2017 ( Premier secrétaire ).

Cambadélis, who is of Greek descent, was involved in the French student movement, was a phrasebook in the student strikes in 1976 and, from 1980, chairman of the UNEF ID . At that time he was considered a Lambertian Trotskyist .

In 1986 Cambadélis joined the Parti socialiste . Just two years later he was elected MP for Paris, but lost that mandate again when the PS was defeated in 1993. From 1994 he was a member of the executive committee of the PS ( Bureau national ). He is considered one of the architects of the gauche plurielle , the alliance of various left-wing parties under the leadership of the PS, which surprisingly won a government majority in the 1997 parliamentary elections . Afterwards he was considered a candidate for the party chairmanship, but Lionel Jospin proposed instead of François Hollande as his successor in this function. In 1997 Cambadélis was re-elected to the Assemblée nationale , of which he was a member until he was voted out in June 2017.

In 1989, the former head of the European office of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in Paris and the American secret service in Europe, Irving Brown , revealed the journalists Roger Faligot and Rémi Kauffer , Cambadélis when he was active with the Trotskyists.

In 2000 and 2006 Cambadélis was sentenced to probation, in both cases for bogus employment.

From 2008 Cambadélis was seen as the leading supporter of Dominique Strauss-Kahn on his way to the presidential candidacy for the PS, which became impossible with the arrest of Strauss-Kahn in New York. Cambadélis then supported Martine Aubry's application , which was defeated by François Hollande in the area code .

In 2012, Cambadélis was the preferred candidate of Martine Aubry for her successor in the party chairmanship. In the end, however, in consultation with President François Hollande, Aubry proposed not him, but Harlem Désir for this office. Cambadélis was proposed as Vice-President of the Party of European Socialists , to which office he was officially appointed on September 29, 2012.

After Harlem Désir's resignation, Cambadélis was elected acting party chairman on April 15, 2014 by the Conseil national des PS. His confirmation by primary election took place on May 28, 2015. Due to the defeat of his party in the 2017 parliamentary elections , Cambadélis resigned from his post on the evening of the second election day on June 18, 2017.


  • Roger Faligot, Rémi Kauffer: Éminences grises. Fayard, 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Marion Joseph: Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, la revanche d'un fin manœuvrier. Le Figaro , April 15, 2014, accessed April 15, 2014 (French).
  2. ^ A b c Bastien Bonnefous: Jean-Christophe Cambadélis élu à la tête du PS. Le Monde , April 15, 2014, accessed April 15, 2014 (French).
  3. ^ Cf .: Faligot, Kauffer: Éminences grises. Fayard, 1992, p. 137 ff.
  4. Bastien Bonnefous: Les passés judiciaires de MM.Cambadélis et Désir suscitent une gêne au PS. Le Monde , September 8, 2012, accessed April 15, 2014 (French).
  5. Désir et Bachelay, un tandem de compromis pour la tête du PS. Liberation, November 12, 2012, accessed September 12, 2012 (French).
  6. Newly elected PES President introduces his new team PES , September 29, 2012.
  7. Cambadelis élu premier secrétaire du PS. Le Monde, May 29, 2015, accessed November 12, 2015 (French).
  8. ^ Cambadélis quitte la direction du PS. Retrieved June 18, 2017 .

Web links

Commons : Jean-Christophe Cambadélis  - collection of images, videos and audio files