Cogniard brothers

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Charles-Theodor (born April 30, 1806 in Paris , † May 13, 1872 ibid) and Jean-Hippolyte Cogniard (born November 20, 1807 also in Paris, † February 6, 1882 ibid) are playwrights and French theater directors. Together they wrote around 200 comedies, revues, fairy tale games and operettas.

Live and act

Theodor Cogniard and Hippolyte Cogniard were known as the "Siamese twins of Vaudeville " and ran the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin from 1840 to 1845 together. Afterwards Hippolyte took over the management of the Théâtre du Vaudeville and from 1854 to 1869 the Théâtre des Variétés , where he made the operetta known and implemented. Jacques Offenbach created his most important works under his direction : The beautiful Helena , Knight Bluebeard , The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein and La Périchole . In 1869, on behalf of his son Léon, he acquired the Cirque Impérial , which they renamed the Théâtre du Château d'Eau and which he took over after the untimely death of Léon in March 1870.

As playwrights, the Cogniard brothers produced an impressive number of plays, fairy tale games and revues from 1830 on , for which they temporarily worked with important authors such as Hector Crémieux , Louis François Clairville and Paul Siraudin . The fairy tale game La Chatte blanche from 1852 is considered her greatest success.


The term chauvinism goes back to the character of Nicolas Chauvin (* around 1790), who was performed in the play La Cocarde tricolore in 1831 under the direction of the two brothers. The multiple mutilated soldier Nicholas Chauvin was personally honored by Napoleon Bonaparte for his willingness to make sacrifices, but after the Napoleon era he became a figure of mockery. Only with feminist emancipation in the middle of the 20th century was the term chauvinism given a different meaning.

Important stage works

Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin. Watercolor by Jean-Baptiste Lallemand , around 1790. To the left of the theater is Porte Saint-Martin, a little further on is Porte Saint-Denis
  • La Cocarde tricolore
  • La Révolte des modistes
  • Les Deux Borgnes
  • L'Agnès de Belleville (with Paul de Kock)
  • Bobêche and Galimafré
  • La Fille de l'air,
  • Les enfants du délire
  • Le Naufrage de la Méduse
  • Les Mille et une nuits
  • La Biche aux bois
  • La Cornemuse du diable
  • Le Royaume du Calembourg
  • La Poudre de perlimpinpin
  • Le Monde camelotte
  • Les Bibelots du diable
  • La Grande Marée
  • Sans queue ni tête (together with Crémieux)
  • La Reine Crinoline ou Le royaume des femmes
  • Les Compagnons de la truelle (together with Clairville)
  • Les Bêtises d'hier (together with Clairville and Siraudin)
  • La Chatte Blanche, a fairy tale game

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sabine Henze-Döhring, Hans Moeller, Panja Mücke: Correspondence and diaries: 1846-1849 . Ed .: Heinz Becker, Gudrun Becker (= Giacomo Meyerbeer [Ed.]: Correspondence and diaries . Volume 4 ). Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1959, ISBN 3-11-009626-9 , p. 600 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).