Jean-Philippe Baratier

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Jean-Philippe Baratier painted by Antoine Pesne between 1730 and 1735

Jean-Philippe Baratier (also Johann Philipp Baratier ; born January 19, 1721 in Schwabach , † October 5, 1740 in Halle (Saale) ) was a child prodigy and linguistic genius. A mathematician, historian, and orientalist, he was considered an encyclopedic genius who published writings in numerous fields.


Jean-Philippe Baratier was the son of François Baratier (1682-1751), the Huguenot pastor of the French Church in Schwabach. At the age of 4 he already spoke German and French, at 5 he mastered Latin, at 7 Greek and Hebrew. He occupied himself with the books of the rabbis and the humanities, about which he wrote several works at the age of 10.

He studied mathematics and astrology and discovered some calculation methods on his own. He found a method for determining the longitude in the sea. At the age of 14 he was accepted as an external member of the Berlin Academy .

Baratier wrote a study on public law, literature and antiquity at the same time and also translated it into Latin, Hebrew and French. The archives of the Paris Académie des Sciences have in the manuscript registers of 1738 for April 30 the presentation of a report by Cassini and Dortous de Mairan on a memoir by Baratier. The original report is kept in the session record. Baratier's theses dealt with methods of determining refractions, the inclination of the ecliptic and the creation of astronomical tables.

Baratier died of cancer in 1740 at the age of 19. His life was recorded in 1755 by Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey in the book "La Vie de Mr. Jean-Philippe Baratier".


  1. Une édition de l ' Itinéraire de Benjamin de Tudèle , 1734
  2. Epistola de Bibliis Ebraico chaldaicis, a Judais Amstelodamensibus editis. In: Journal Bibliotheque Germanique Tom. XXVI
  3. Epistola, qua opusculum Athanasio perperam tributum Hegefippo vindicatur. In: Journal Bibliotheque Germanique Tom. XXXIII
  4. Commentario de ordine, quem quem Romani in proconsularibus tribuendis observarunt. In: Journal Bibliotheque Germanique Tom. XLV
  5. Dissertatio de Theodoreto, qua Triuultiensibus respondentur. In: Journal Bibliotheque Germanique Tom. XLVIII
  6. Disquisitio chronologica de successione antiquissima episcoporum Romanorum, inde a Retro usque ad Victorem. Vltrajeckt, 1740 4t. Cum quatuor dissertationibus duabus de constitutionibus apostolicis dictis, una de seriptis Dionysii pseud-areopagitae, et ultima de annis Agrippae junioris, Judaeorum regis. 1740
  7. Defense de la monarchie Sicilienne, traduit de l'Allemand de Mr. JP De Ludewig, par J. Ph. Baratier, qui ajoute une histoire abregee de la controverse entre la Pape Clement XI et les Rois des deux Siciles. Hall 1738
  8. Victoria de Germ. In: Hallische advertisements. 1739 No. 7 and 10
  9. Joh. Phil. Baraterii Anti-Artemonius seu Initium evangelii Sancti Johannis .... Nuremberg 1735


  • Jean-Henri-Samuel Formey: La Vie de Mr. Jean-Philippe Baratier, maitre ès Arts, & membre de la Societé Royale des Sciences de Berlin . Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig 1755.
  • Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt : Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and Ertz-Stifft, but now secularized by the Duchy of Magdeburg, which belongs to the Duchy of Magdeburg, and of all the cities, palaces, offices, Manors, aristocratic families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, especially the cities of Halle, Neumarckt, Glaucha, Wettin, Löbegün, Cönnern and Alsleben; From Actis publicis and credible ... news, collected diligently, reinforced with many unprinted documents, adorned with copperplate engravings and abstracts, and provided with the necessary registers . Emanuel Schneider, Hall 1749/50.


  • Françoise Waquet: L'histoire merveilleuse d'un enfant précocement savant: Jean Philippe Baratier. In: Revue de la Biobliothèque Nationale 47 (1993), pp. 2-7
  • Christoph Rückert: Jean Philippe Baratier: the "Schwabacher Wunderkind"; a contribution to the history of Schwabach . Schwabach: History and Heimatverein Schwabach and the surrounding area, 1995

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the previous academies. Johann Philipp Baratier. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities , accessed on February 18, 2015 .
  2. ^ La Vie De Mr. Jean Philippe Baratier, Membre de la Societé Royale des Sciences de Berlin. Johann Philipp Baratier. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , accessed on February 27, 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Jean-Philippe Baratier  - collection of images, videos and audio files